Let's stop the heart attack: simple rules to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Reduce the risk of heart attacks by 80%? You can! A balanced diet, constant physical activity and moderate alcohol consumption could be the key to preventing heart attacks.

After 11 years of follow up and extensive research, the Karolinska Institutet of Stockholm concluded that 4 out of 5 cardiac arrests could be prevented by following a few simple but effective rules. A healthy lifestyle, which combines a complete and varied diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, with the commitment not to be overcome by sedentary lifestyle and laziness, is the secret to almost definitively defeating cardiovascular disease. No giving up, therefore, just a little effort to love yourself and think about your health. The results of the studies conducted, published in the scientific journal Journal of American College of Cardiology, highlight that among the subjects considered, those who consume a maximum of 30g of alcoholic beverages per day, eat tasty but without excesses, walk at least 40 minutes a day and play sports more than once a week, are the least exposed to the risk of heart attack.

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