7 tips to prevent flu and colds

Whether or not you are subject to this type of seasonal ailments, from the simple cold to the real flu complete with a high fever, being aware of some little tricks to prevent these seasonal annoyances never hurts. Thanks to Dr. Laura Raimondo , family doctor and expert in homeopathy, here are some tips that although they are not new, it is always good to review and ... follow!

1. Protect yourself well from the temperatures that drop both outside and inside the houses, as early as September

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2. Avoid sudden changes in temperature when moving from a warm to a cold environment and vice versa

3. Wash your hands often and well with soap and water, rinsing them for at least twenty seconds in a row to limit the spread of bacteria and viruses

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4. Cover your mouth with every cough or sneeze

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5. Use disposable tissues

6. Follow a healthy and balanced diet, which does not lack vitamins and minerals contained in seasonal fruit and vegetables (especially citrus fruits, kiwis and almonds)

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7. Practice physical activity even outdoors

Being outdoors, in fact, decreases the possibility of contagion and movement stimulates the body and the immune system.

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