Porno addiction: what it is and how to recognize it

Surely watching a porn film is no longer a taboo or something particularly perverse, moreover there are many erotic rather than pornographic films that can also be stimulating for the couple, for a man as well as for a woman. The problem begins when this pastime becomes a real form of obsession. If a man desires his partner, there is nothing wrong with him, even if he sometimes watches exciting films or images. But when do you go from normality to porn addiction? And to where is testosterone normal and where else does it start?
Before you find out, take a look at these thoughts on women and porn:

When can we talk about porn addiction?

A well-matched couple should have a similar sexual appetite, but there is a way to frame the concept of "pathological": "when the thought of sex or the act itself invalidates other important areas of life then it goes beyond testosterone ”, Explains the sexologist. In this case we speak of Sexual addiction. Conversely, when a man has mastery of all spheres of his life, there is no question of addiction.
The obsessive form linked to pornography, however, invalidates the private sphere of life, being a type of compulsive masturbation that satisfies only and above all through the viewing of pornographic material. In the presence of the partner, the porn addict does not get aroused in the same way (compared to the video), up to a real decrease in desire in the couple.

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And for women instead?

Sex addiction, however, is not an exclusively male phenomenon. Indeed, it is also increasing among women. For example, we speak of homovestitism: “It occurs when women emphasize their gender to the maximum, with an excessively feminine look, investing excessively in their seductiveness”, says Vizzari.
Although women are usually not very attracted to pornography, because the imagination is more often than not enough (the memory of a night of fire with one's partner, with the ex, can be a great way to fantasize), the phenomenon also affects women with an ever-increasing number of porn addicts in pink.

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What to do in the case of porn addiction

It is important to try to restore a truer image of sex and sexuality, also rediscovering aspects related to affection. Love should have more weight than sex, and real more weight than the imagination.If the rehabilitation process is too difficult to face, alone or with the support of the partner, the advice is to contact a psychotherapist sexologist.

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