Sweet and juicy: the 7 benefits of peaches

1. They help fight obesity

Belonging to the category of stone fruit, together with apricots, plums and cherries, peaches can prevent weight gain and consequently more or less severe states of obesity: it contains bioactive and phenolinic compounds that fight obesity and inflammatory states. their antioxidant properties, these compounds react with free radicals which are harmful to human health and can therefore contribute together with other foods to fight diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

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2. They are rich in vitamins

Peaches contain vitamins A, B, C, E and K: they help improve vision (A), fortify our immune system (C), are antioxidants and protect red blood cells (E), play a decisive role in the process of blood clotting (K); finally, with vitamin B, peach is essential for the control of metabolism and for the health of our nerve cells.

3. They improve your eyesight

Not everyone is a fan of carrots and vegetables ... While we recommend everyone to include such foods in their diet, as any nutritionist would, peaches can be a valid - and tastier - alternative for those with some vision problems; peach, like all other stone fruits, is rich in beta carotene, that is the precursor of vitamin A, which, it is known, plays a main role in correct blood circulation, consequently contributing to the health of our eyes, also preventing infections.

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4. They are rich in potassium

Each peach contains approximately 285 micrograms of potassium - approximately 14% of the recommended amount of potassium.
Potassium is a mineral salt necessary for proper cell, tissue and organ function. It contributes to the correct functioning of the involuntary muscles, first of all the heart, and to the balance of body fluids, thus preventing states of hypertension, as well as heart attacks and kidney stones.

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5. They are perfect for pregnant women!

Peaches, luckily for all future mothers, are by no means banned during the period of pregnancy: on the contrary, the properties described so far make them particularly suitable for the growth of the baby!

6. Preserved peaches can also be healthy!

Although preserved peaches certainly have a higher sugar level, they have even more vitamin C than fresh peaches. Of course, we do not recommend excessive consumption of canned peaches, but if you sometimes want to take the whim without exaggerating, you can rest assured that you are not hurting your body!

7. They are anti-carcinogenic

Finally, peach, thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamins C and E, phenolic compounds, can prevent tumors and fight cancer cells; in particular it can offer help against breast cancer.
Of course, peaches cannot represent a real cure, but it is certain that consuming a good daily amount of peaches, as well as many other healthy foods, contributes to the overall health of our body and, consequently, can prevent the formation of cells. carcinogenic.

© @ arlett_Romero / weheartit

See also:
The pomegranate: properties, uses and benefits
Feijoa: the fruit of a thousand virtues
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