Because it is important to greet the children before leaving

Greeting the children before leaving is really important. Yet there are many parents who believe they are doing the right thing by letting the child be distracted when they are about to leave the house to go to work or to leave them in kindergarten. There is nothing more wrong, yet it is rather a mistake. common and done, we know well, with the best of intentions.

If the baby is distracted to allow time for the mother to sneak away, after a few minutes he will realize his absence and burst into desperate tears. For him, the mother will not have simply gone away, but will have the perception that she has literally disappeared! Nothing worse, even if done for his own good.

The moment of separation, especially at the beginning of a day, is really fundamental and full of meanings for the mother as well as for the child. It deserves to be lived with a completely different awareness. Let's find out together why it is so essential to greet children before leaving and what are the best methods to ensure that this happens without any trauma. Take a look at how tender these greetings are, for example:

Greet the children before leaving: why it is important

No matter how much he may cry: a child, before leaving, must always be greeted. Tricking him with a sudden disappearance can never be the right thing to do. It is important, with children, to always be honest and sincere in order to establish a relationship of trust.

The child needs to understand that the mother is leaving, but that she will soon return to him. It is not abandoning him forever. Even if she will burst into tears the first few times, over time she will learn to manage her emotions, and this is essential for her growth.

It may not be easy, but with the help of nannies or kindergarten teachers, the most appropriate solution to the needs of the individual child will be found, thinking together on a strategy that allows for the sweetest and most peaceful detachment possible.

See also

Pregrafismo: what it is and why it is important for children

Coding: what it means and why it is important for children

Doula meaning: who is and why is it important during pregnancy

Fear of abandonment: one more reason to say goodbye to your child before leaving

The fear of abandonment by the mother is a determining factor in the baby's cry when he realizes that the mother is gone. If this happens suddenly and without a minimum of preparation, the sense of emptiness that will seize the baby will be even more terrible and will only feed his fear, creating psychological distress even in the future.

Therefore, it is very important that the mother explain to the child that she is going away, how and why, repeating several times that she will soon be back. Reassuring him on this point is really essential. The process will not be immediate, but day by day the child will get used to the idea and will understand that the mother is not abandoning him at all, his worst fear!

Greet the children before leaving: tips and tricks to do it better

So that the detachment can take place with the greatest possible serenity, try to follow these precautions:

  • Gradually detach, going away for a short time the first few times and gradually increasing the length of your absence.
  • When you go away, be smiling and calm him down: mom will be back soon, everything is fine!
  • Create a small ritual of re-entry, in which you greet the child, always smiling, and tell each other what you did during the time of separation.
  • Always remember that you must be the first to demonstrate that you are not afraid to "leave" it ... trust the environment to which you have chosen to entrust it and be the first to remain calm!

Once at home, then, spend some quality time with him, perhaps doing chores like these together ...

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