Ingrown hair: the most effective remedies to remove them

Ingrown hair: the main causes

The problem of ingrown hair affects most women who are dealing with waxing and other methods of hair removal. In essence, it is hair that grows under the skin, causing redness and inflammation.
Among the main culprits of ingrown hair are the razor and electric depilators: due to the excessive pressure exerted on the skin by these tools, the hair shaft tends to re-enter the skin, becoming incarnate.
Even epilation performed with tweezers can cause ingrown hair: this is because only part of the hair is torn, while the remaining part tends to grow laterally under the skin, thus degenerating into an ingrown hair.
In other cases the hair, finding an obstruction, such as a pore occluded by dead cells, is unable to escape on the superficial layer of the epidermis, remaining below it.
In addition to being particularly annoying, ingrown hairs, which grow mainly in the groin and pubic areas, can lead to the formation of sebum-rich pimples or real cysts. In some cases, the problem can lead to an infection. , folliculitis.

See also

DIY leg scrub: 4 natural recipes against ingrown hair

How to remove facial hair: 8 foolproof tricks

Diode laser hair removal: away unwanted hair forever

Ingrown hair on the groin? Here's how to avoid them

As previously mentioned, the growth of ingrown hair mainly concerns the groin and pubic areas; this is because, one of the main causes of their formation is determined by the use of clothing that is too tight and does not allow the skin to transpire. But then, how to try to limit the growth of hair under the skin as much as possible?

Good hygiene and the constant use of a scrub or gommage undoubtedly help prepare the skin for a well done hair removal, the first step to avoid ingrown hairs, redness and folliculitis. Secondly, you need to choose the right hair removal methods: in fact, it is advisable to avoid an electric razor or epilator, especially on delicate parts such as the groin, as it is more likely to create occlusions and blockages of the pores; in fact, it is better to opt for cold depilatory strips, the classic hot wax or, better still, Arab waxing, much more delicate.

Even the use of creams and other comedogenic cosmetics can contribute to the formation of this type of problem. If you prefer natural cosmetics, remember to massage the shaved areas with sweet almond oil (here is the cheapest on Amazon).

But now we come to the remedies to avoid or solve the problem of ingrown hair: one of these is undoubtedly the scrub. Here is a recipe for a DIY coffee and coconut oil body scrub.

Discover the best natural body scrubs at YES: Ysabella
After the scrub it is essential to soothe the skin: buy the natural Aloe gel for € 10.80

The most effective remedies for ingrown hairs

But what are the remedies to best remove ingrown hair? Below we propose a series of natural methods, not too demanding to experiment on your own at home.

  • Physical removal: using simple tweezers or a sewing needle, both of which have been disinfected, you can break the surface layer of the skin, allowing the hair to come out. It is certainly a painstaking and also rather unpleasant job, which we recommend to do only where the hair under the skin is quite visible.
  • Scrub: as already mentioned, this is one of the simplest and least invasive techniques. In fact, it is enough to do a scrub - remember to take it delicate if you have very sensitive skin - or an exfoliating scrub during the bath or shower. By rubbing it on the superficial layer of the skin, gently and with the help of a sponge, you can eliminate the dead skin and help the ends of the hair to come out. It is good to repeat the operation consistently, and intensify it close to the next waxing or epilation.

Geomar Thalasso Scrub

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  • The horsehair glove: it has more or less the same function as the scrub, only that it allows you to act more deeply (buy it on Amazon), and is therefore more suitable for those who do not have excessively sensitive skin.
  • White sugar and water: the use of these two elements allows the formation of a soft but not too much paste, perfect for a natural and not too invasive scrub able to remove dead skin and expose a part of the hair.
  • Salt: salt is also an excellent natural exfoliating remedy, able to eliminate dead cells and facilitate the escape of hair under the skin. Always use it together with water, and rub the pasta obtained on the affected area. Furthermore, the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory power helps prevent infections due to excess sebum.

Recipe Leg scrub: the do-it-yourself recipe!