Childbirth: the types, stages, and advice on how to cope with pain

Childbirth is an "extraordinary experience in the life of every woman. The birth of a child is an unrepeatable moment that brings with it joy and amazement, but also many fears and pain. What are the main types of childbirth? And what are the various ones? phases of this exceptional event? How to face and overcome the pain of that moment with the help of science? Find out everything there is to know about childbirth.

Natural childbirth

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Labor: the symptoms and the 4 stages of childbirth

Full Moon and Childbirth: How Moon Phases Affect Births

The menstrual cycle and its phases

Natural childbirth is the physiological birth of the child without any surgical or pharmacological medical intervention. At the end of the nine months of pregnancy, phenomena that herald the birth of the baby begin to manifest. The rupture of the water occurs and the first contractions occur: the uterus begins to dilate to prepare the birth canal through which the baby will pass. The moments that go from the first contractions to the expulsive phase of the baby are called labor, which involves 4 different phases. Contractions and the active phase of labor are followed by the expulsive phase, which is the actual birth, and finally the afterbirth, the final phase which involves the expulsion of the placenta and the membranes that connected the uterus to the amniotic sac of the baby. A natural birth, as the word itself says, does not require any surgical intervention, but physiological birth is often also pharmacologically aided: for example, if the contractions do not arrive, the birth is induced because the time has come anyway. Or, in the course of natural childbirth, if the dilation of the uterus is not sufficient, an episiotomy is performed, a cut in the perineum that facilitates the exit. of child.

Symptoms and stages of labor: everything you need to know

In this video, Nanny Simona tells what the symptoms of labor are, those that herald the birth of the baby, and what are the phases, that is all the moments that each mother goes through during a natural birth. The important thing, in each phase, is to remain calm and face with serenity, and with the help of your partner, everything that happens. The midwife is there to help the future mother, and as much as possible the mother should try to experience this unique moment in the best possible way.

Caesarean section

Cesarean delivery is a real surgery, which is sometimes inevitable. There are often conditions in pregnancy that cause the baby to be delivered by anesthetizing the mother and operating a surgical cut on the belly. Sometimes a caesarean section is chosen to safeguard the health of the mother or baby, or as a result of some particular conditions, such as a breech birth or a twin birth. Twins often present themselves in breech position, or in alternating positions, making a physiological birth very difficult. The same happens with multiple births, which are often resolved with a caesarean section, especially if the mother is fatigued. Hospitals are often criticized for resorting to caesarean delivery too often, even when there is no "really need." possible, let her choose freely.

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Natural birth or caesarean section: advice on how to choose

It is not always possible to choose, of course, but all expectant mothers must be informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the two main types of childbirth. This obviously applies when there is no case of premature birth, with the baby being born before the nine-month deadline. In this video, Tata Simona tells everything you need to know to understand how to choose.

The pains of childbirth and the methods to deal with them

Childbirth is a "painful experience, it is useless to deny it. Both natural birth and caesarean delivery have painful moments in the course of labor or in the post-operative period, moments that have consequences that can last even after birth, in the so-called phase of the puerperium. in which the mother returns to her physiological normality, with the return of the menstrual cycle. There are different methods to deal with the pain of natural childbirth, and the main and most used is certainly epidural anesthesia, a puncture at the spinal level that puts the small pelvis of the mother, preventing her from feeling any pain during the expulsive phase. However, there are alternatives to the epidural, and some hospitals are beginning to adopt them in Italy as well. We are talking above all about laughing gas, a novelty in the world of analgesia for childbirth: it is a gas that is inhaled during labor, which stimulates the production of hormones that give relief to the mother's body, eliminating pain. Other less common methods are massages and acupuncture. Water birth should not be underestimated, even as a method for giving birth at home if desired: this very familiar liquid relieves the pains of childbirth and allows greater freedom to movement, often prevented in maternity wards Water birth is also possible in hospitals equipped with specialized swimming pools, and is becoming a valid alternative to the classic natural birth.

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How to cope with the pains of childbirth?

Our Nanny Simona lists in this video all the methods to deal with the pains of labor and childbirth. An important variant in the treatment of these pains are also the various positions of childbirth. There isn't a perfect one, but some positions relieve collateral pain more than others, such as back or limb pain. Find out how to overcome the pains of labor in the best way.

After giving birth: what happens? What to do?

The birth ended, everything went well. A new life begins for the baby and for the mother. What Happens Now? In addition to the growth of the baby, the mother returns to her physiological normality during the phase called puerperium, which goes from two hours after birth to the return of the menstrual cycle. Post-partum is a very sensitive phase, full of joys but also of physical and psychological discomforts, to be kept under control with serenity and balance. Coming home can be a long-awaited moment, but also a feared one. The important thing that a mother must know is that she is not alone: ​​there is the partner, the family, the specialists from the gynecologist to the pediatrician, up to the psychologist, ready to take care of any problems that may arise.

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