Speaking for yourself: because it is a healthy habit and is not synonymous with insanity

We have all happened to speak for ourselves, it is useless to deny it. Don't worry, there is nothing to worry about.The practice of soliloquy, in fact, is quite common and, in the absence of alarming symptoms, it is certainly not synonymous with madness. In reality, every day, we sustain a constant inner dialogue: how many times, in fact, have we happened to reflect between ourselves and ourselves? Except that, at times, we feel the need to give shape to these reflections, expressing them aloud, even in the absence of other interlocutors. Let's find out why talking alone is not only normal but also good for health.

Speaking of mental wellbeing, watch this video and discover some exercises that can help you boost your self-esteem!

Speaking for yourself: a healthy and widespread habit

The human mind is twisted, you know. Sometimes thoughts crowd into a vortex so chaotic that it inhibits any attempt to order them. Sometimes, staying silent and trying to meditate isn't enough. It is at that point that, in many people, the urge to confront themselves through the use of the word arises. Thinking aloud when we are alone can help us manage hectic cognitive activity and better process ideas, especially in times when life puts a strain on our mental health due to stress and anxiety.

See also

Dreaming of a dead person or a dead person talking - what does it mean?

Feeling alone: ​​how to feel less alone and sad in the midst of so many people

Loneliness: how to learn to live better even if you are alone

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The different forms of inner dialogue

Before going into the merits of the matter, it is good to distinguish the different types of inner dialogue that it is possible to establish with ourselves. There are three in particular:

The motivational inner dialogue: this form of soliloquy helps us to believe in ourselves, motivating us and encouraging us to face and overcome all the challenges that destiny has in store for us. To make the self-motivation work, talk to yourself preferably in the second or third person.

Instructive inner dialogue: also known as self talk, this is a technique used above all in sports, to improve one's performance and reach the set goal.

Negative internal dialogue: if it is your habit to speak to yourself, stay away from dysfunctional communication. Filling your head with hostile thoughts will only demoralize you and dismantle the trust you place in yourself / or in your abilities.

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The benefits

As we have already pointed out, speaking alone serves above all to rearrange one's thoughts, but not only. There are several benefits that such a habit can bring, from a psychological point of view, to our life. Let's see them in detail:

  • When we feel overwhelmed by anxiety and nervousness and no words of comfort said by others seem to work, we try to carve out a moment just for ourselves, during which to voice all the worries that torment us. Speaking alone not only acts as an outlet, but also allows us to look at the situation from a new perspective, rationalizing distressing thoughts and finally finding the lost calm.
  • In addition to calming us down, speaking alone promotes mnemonic activity. Repeating certain concepts aloud helps us to fix them better in the mind. This system is not limited only to the school environment, where it is a guarantee of excellent performance, but also extends to situations experienced on a daily basis. Let's think, for example, of when we have to prepare the suitcase in anticipation of a trip and we tend to list, even repeatedly, all the objects we need. Saying them aloud and not just in your head proves to be a rather effective vademecum.

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  • Perhaps not everyone knows this, but thanks to an experiment conducted in 2012, it has been proven that speaking aloud when looking for a lost object is an optimal method to be able to find it in the shortest possible time. Let's take a practical example: we approach the car and we realize we can't find the keys. While we struggle to look for them everywhere, we tend to repeat aloud phrases such as: “But where did I put the keys? Where will they ever be? Where did I last see them? ". This seemingly spontaneous behavior is actually an officially recognized gimmick in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. The psychology magazine, in fact, has entrusted the search for an object to two groups: one group should have searched for it in complete silence, while the other should have pronounced its name aloud. This last solution allowed the second group to find it faster thanks to a name-target association mechanism.
  • Another study, conducted in this case by psychologists at Toronto University and published in the online journal Acta Psychologics, showed that speaking alone is particularly useful in two situations: when we are called to make a decision and when we need to practice our self-control. . In fact, deciding is not always easy: when we find ourselves at a crossroads, doubts take over and further slow down the decision-making process. To clear our minds, we can think of talking about ourselves in the third person. By doing so, we will be able to make objective assessments and opt for the right choice, considering - strictly aloud - the pros and cons. At the same time, research has shown that soliloquy allows us to exercise full control over our emotions and behaviors, safeguarding ourselves from reckless and instinctive actions.

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When to worry

As we pointed out at the beginning of the article, speaking alone should not be a cause for disturbance. The misconception that this behavior is often traced back to mental disorders is totally wrong. However, there are cases where this trend needs to be monitored, especially if accompanied by symptoms such as visual and / or auditory hallucinations. Only then could the hypothesis of a disease such as schizophrenia be outlined for which the opinion of a competent doctor is urgent.

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How to stop talking to yourself

If, on the other hand, you believe that talking alone or alone negatively affects your psyche, causing you more discomfort than well-being, there are some solutions with which to put an end to this habit. First, you might consider starting therapy alongside a psychologist. The opportunity to confront and let off steam with a mind specialist may make the need to talk to yourself unnecessary. Alternatively, try keeping a secret diary in which to write down everything that goes through your head: thoughts, worries, meditations and resolutions, or even just a list of things you need to remember to do and / or buy. Whenever you feel the need to initiate an internal dialogue out loud, grab a pen and paper and start writing.

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