Weekly horoscope from January 29th to February 4th 2018: Mercury in Aquarius!

Aries: positive week!

Dear Aries, this week the planet Mercury stops being unfavorable to your sign: finally, starting from Wednesday, many situations related to work and your interpersonal relationships will finally find a solution and will be able to unlock. Super positive week when it comes to feelings. Pay attention only to Sunday, which promises to be quite stressful ...

Taurus: Venus unfavorable ...

Dear Taurus, unfortunately starting from Wednesday you will no longer be able to count on Mercury's favor. Some slowdowns or misunderstandings with bosses and colleagues may occur at work. Even love in this period leaves something to be desired ... Unfavorable Venus creates tensions and discontent within the couple. This week is all about lucky moon days: Monday, Thursday and Friday.

See also

Born in January: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Aquarius ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Leo ascendant Aquarius: sense of justice and willpower

Gemini: with Mercury on your side!

Dear Gemini, yours is going to be a really super week! Favorable Venus brings love and passion, even single women will experience moments of authentic heartbeat. Starting from Wednesday, you will also be able to count on the favor of Mercury, your protector planet: you will be able to forge new alliances at work and make interesting encounters. Some minor inconveniences, on the other hand, could occur on Fridays and Saturdays.

Cancer: a sigh of relief ...

Dear Cancer, you can finally breathe a good sigh of relief: starting from Wednesday, Mercury will no longer be in opposition to your sign! This difficult period is about to end, especially at work and in your relationship life. You will see that everything will go smoothly now, do not lose confidence in yourself! On Monday you will have the moon in conjunction: it will be a very lucky day and full of beautiful surprises.

Leo: bad news ...

Dear Leo, unfortunately there is no good news for your sign ... Venus remains in opposition and, starting from Wednesday, the planet Mercury will also reach her. This is not a very lucky period: in love tensions and quarrels are the order of the day, while at work there may be slowdowns. Bet everything on the days of Tuesday and Wednesday, when you can count on a beautiful moon in the sign. Be careful if you frequent a sign that leads to betrayal ...

Virgo: don't waste time!

Dear Virgo, make the most of the first two days of this week, when you can still count on the positive influence of the planet Mercury which, starting from Wednesday, will assume a neutral position. If you have something to propose at work, go ahead! The days of Friday and Saturday will be very beautiful in terms of emotions and feelings: you can count on a beautiful moon that will shine in your sign.

Libra: good news for singles!

Dear Libra, great news for your sign this week: starting Wednesday, Mercury will no longer be in an unfavorable position! Many projects you had in mind will finally find a way to come true and mesh. Even in love you will be favored. Singles, in particular, could have interesting encounters and, why not, know just the right one ... Super-lucky day: Sunday.

Scorpio: heart problems ...

Dear Scorpio, Venus unfavorable unfortunately this week creates some more obstacles in the sentimental field ... if you are already in a couple, you may find yourself arguing with your partner. For singles it will be difficult to make lucky encounters and, above all, destined for a bright future. At work, you should bet everything on Monday and Tuesday, when you can still count on Mercury's favor. Instead, pay attention to the slightly heavy days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Sagittarius: week full of feelings!

Dear Sagittarius, favorable Venus this week gives you many emotions alongside a special person. It is a fortunate period as far as feelings are concerned and it will be even more so starting on Wednesday, when the planet Mercury will also begin to favor you. You could have really interesting encounters! A little subdued weekend ... better bet everything on Sunday.

Capricorn: opposite moon ...

Dear Capricorn, your week begins with a bad moon in opposition, but don't get anxious! All the other planets are on your side and, overall, you will have a more than peaceful week. Mercury will stay in your sign until Wednesday and you may be receiving some good news or recognition at work. Instead, pay attention to Sunday, when an unfavorable moon will return to bring you a bit of a bad mood ...

Aquarius: a top week!

Dear Aquarius, this week is going to be really super for your sign! You will be able to count on Venus in conjunction which will guarantee you a top love life: love will certainly not be missing! And starting from Wednesday, the planet Mercury will also enter your sign, starting a period full of turning points, news and interesting encounters. Attention only to the days of Tuesday and Wednesday, when the opposite moon could create some small obstacles.

Pisces: a bit of tension ...

Dear Pisces, this week starts with two really interesting days for your sign, in which you could receive some good news, especially in the workplace. Less fortunate, however, will be the days of Friday and Saturday, when an opposite moon could make you particularly nervous ... be careful not to unload all tension on your partner, or you could risk spending the whole weekend arguing!

Tags:  Actuality Old-Couple Women-Of-Today