10 good reasons why not having a best friend is better!

In America it's called BFF, best friend forever, and they also made a television format in which the most famous heiress in the world, Paris Hilton, selected her best friend on the basis of affinity, characteristics and behavior of the competitors. After all, we have all had, at least once in our lives , a best friend, from whom separating was a pain, with which to share every single moment of the day and away from which one could not stay.

But are these relationships, sometimes bordering on morbidity, really good? Are they healthy even in adulthood? Here are 10 good reasons why the idea of ​​not having a best friend may not be so bad.

1. You don't have to ask for permission to make new friends

Because, you know, there is always a little "jealousy" when a third person comes between you and your best friend. The risk? Quarrels heated and in which the tones easily transcend.

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2. You will not have to prepare a speech for his wedding day

Or get annoyed if he doesn't choose you for the aforementioned instead.

3. Maximum freedom

You can organize your days as you see fit, change plans to the last and subvert everything, without having to answer to anyone. Because, let's face it, when you live practically in symbiosis with a friend, consultations on what to do, when to do it, how and because they are almost obligatory.

4. It is YOU and not US

Sometimes when the relationship is symbiotic we tend to speak for both, as if you were a "single entity.

5. You can give a full speech

For the same reason, when you are with her to make a speech with the people present, you happen to not finish the sentence, because she takes care of it, you are so tuned. And it can be quite annoying, as well as a little childish ...

6. Your secrets are really safe

When you reveal something to someone - mom, sister, best friend - even if you blindly trust that person, you can never be sure that your secret is completely safe. There is only one way to be: don't tell a soul.

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7. When you are in trouble you learn to rely on your own strength

Did the boyfriend leave you? Did the boss give you a lecture at work? The first thing you do is gather your best friend for an evening of pampering and chocolate. True? Actually, there would be a better remedy: learn to rely on your strength even in bad moments. alone, if you have someone close to you so much the better, otherwise you will not fall into despair anyway because you will know that you can do it.

8. You are free to have your own ideas

Being best friends doesn't mean you think the same about everything. Yet sometimes the diatribes arise precisely because there are conflicting ideas, even if these are independent of the friendship and perhaps instead concern politics or the way of cooking cheesecake.

9. And also to change them

Ideas but also a way of dressing, music to listen to, clubs to go to ... You can change yourself whenever you want, reinvent yourself, question yourself without your best friend taking you aside and telling you: "hey, I don't recognize you anymore".

10. You become an adult and independent

Considering that nothing is forever and that relationships, even those that seem more solid and deep, can change from one moment to the next, you will always be ready to face breakups, disappointments, turnarounds in a mature way ... Be independent, baby!