50 beautiful ways to wear a ponytail

Did you get up and your hair took a decidedly unnatural shape? Do you need a life-saving hairstyle? Nothing could be simpler: make a queue! One of our favorites is the retro half ponytail: really simple to make, it will give you a sophisticated look in just a few steps! Like? The video explains it to you!

If we haven't convinced you, here are 50 different ways to wear the ponytail, one of the most versatile hairstyles ever: there is one for every personality, just find the right one for you and ... that's it!

See also

8 creative ways to wrap your Christmas gifts

© Pinterest

Perfect tail in 5 minutes!

Now that we have seen some beautiful queues, here is a very quick one to re-propose: it will only take 5 minutes!

Dirty hair? Here are some useful ideas ...

Tags:  In Shape Old-Luxury Parenthood