Miss Italy 2013 is Giulia Arena

Yesterday, 27 October, she was elected Miss Italy 2013. She is the Sicilian Giulia Arena.

Nineteen years old, the new queen of Italy comes from Messina, she is one meter and seventy tall and has light brown hair and green eyes. Simple and elegant beauty, Giulia graduated from scientific high school and has recently moved to Milan to enroll in the Faculty of Law. The miss managed to get the better of "another Sicilian, Fabiola Speziale, who won second place.

The Arena has a tattoo above the heart that reads the twentieth canto of Dante Alighieri's Inferno: "Made you not live like brutes". Admitted to the final with the band of Miss Cinema Planter's Sicily, Giulia in the past had already won the national title of Miss Cinema.

With the election of Giulia, scepter and crown continue to reward young Sicilian girls: even Miss Italy 2012 in fact, Giusy Buscemi, who crowned the new queen, is originally from Sicily.

Giulia Arena