Melissa Satta and Kevin Prince Boateng: Maddox's wedding and baptism on July 19th!

Rumors have been circulating on the net for some time about an imminent wedding of Melissa Satta and Kevin Prince Boateng, who became parents of little Maddox on April 15th. And in fact, the showgirl and the football player will go to the altar on July 19. But that's not all: in addition to swearing eternal love, in the Stella Maris church in Porto Cervo, in the homeland of Satta, the two will also celebrate another happy event. , the baptism of their first child.

The evil ones claim that the rush to go to the altar is due to Melissa's jealousy triggered by Rihanna's explicit "courtship" towards Boateng, who on Twitter had expressed appreciation about the Ghanaian footballer (here you can read the full news). velina mora immediately took action, setting the record straight and organizing the much-needed wedding. It seems that her friend Simona Salvemini, a former gieffina, who in the last period was very close to Satta, will be her best man.

Now we just have to wait for the big day.

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Melissa Satta and Kevin Prince Boateng