DIY eye mask: 5 simple recipes to make at home!

The eye contour area is one of the most delicate on the face and is particularly subject to signs of aging, fatigue, smog and atmospheric agents. Even a few hours of sleep, a wrong diet and stress can get noticed in this area, causing bags, dark circles and a dull look.

That's why proper care and targeted beauty treatments can help us show off a rested and luminous eye contour, giving the whole face a younger and fresher look. It is not necessary to spend a fortune and throw yourself into expensive products, in fact you can also resort to simple natural remedies with impeccable efficacy against bags, dark circles and puffy eyes.

Below we offer you five quick and easy recipes to make a perfect homemade eye contour mask. Just a few easy-to-find and low-cost cooking ingredients are enough for an impeccable DIY beauty treatment.

1.Aloe vera mask, chamomile flowers and tea against bags under the eyes

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This recipe can be a real cure-all for the delicate skin around the eyes, making it ideal in particular for eliminating bags and swelling.

Heat three tablespoons of aloe vera gel, with its regenerating and refreshing power; take a glass jar, like the jam ones, and insert a little chamomile flowers, then add the previously heated aloe, close with the lid and shake slightly to mix the contents well.
Pour the liquid obtained (without the flowers) into another container and soak two cotton pads; apply them on closed eyes for at least 5 minutes and finally replace them with two tea bags from the refrigerator.

2. Chamomile and sweet almond oil mask against puffy eyes

Chamomile, as we know, is an excellent natural remedy against swelling of the area around the eyes. Generally it is recommended to apply two soaked pads directly on the eyes, but for it to be a really effective treatment, it would be good to let it cool completely. This is because the cold, combined with the soothing and decongestant properties of chamomile, helps to shrink the capillaries, adequately re-oxygenating the skin of this area - often subject to a dull and darker complexion - and acting against swelling.

The procedure is very simple: just boil a little water in a saucepan and add 2 sachets of chamomile. While leaving it to infuse - it will only take 5 minutes - apply drops of almond oil, with a strong nourishing power, directly on the contour eyes, using the fingertips and tapping lightly to reactivate the microcirculation.
Once the chamomile has cooled, apply the sachets to the eyes for 10-15 minutes, making sure that they cover both the eyelids and the periocular area. You can only draw immediate benefit and a sense of pleasant refreshment.

3. Honey and yogurt moisturizing mask against dark circles

This recipe is based on honey, an ingredient with nourishing, emollient and antioxidant properties, ideal for nourishing the skin and making it softer and more elastic. This is combined with sweet almond oil, which deeply cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and yogurt to make the mixture more homogeneous, and thus obtain a sort of cream, easy to apply on the eye contour area, just as if it were a classic anti-wrinkle patch.

Then mix 2 tablespoons of honey with a teaspoon of yogurt, once you have an amalgamated and creamy mixture, add 2-3 drops of sweet almonds and apply everything. Leave on for about 20 minutes. and rinse with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can combine honey, a tablespoon of fresh milk and one of flour, ingredients that are even easier to find at home. You will get an equally homogeneous mixture.

© Unsplash Chinh Le Duc

4. Regenerating and anti-wrinkle DIY cucumber mask

This powerful recipe can be an excellent anti-aging remedy; In fact, cucumber is an ingredient with guaranteed efficacy and its thousands of uses in the field of beauty confirm it. In particular, it has beneficial refreshing and astringent effects, also acting as a refreshment for the delicate skin of this area of ​​the face and acting effectively against wrinkles and signs of aging.

It is recommended to use a cold cucumber from the refrigerator, because, as already mentioned, the cold allows to enhance the benefits of the product; in particular, it increases its ability to stimulate blood circulation, reactivating the microcirculation and combating wrinkles and crow's feet more effectively.

Typically, two thick slices of cucumber are used, to be placed on each eye, but the following technique is more effective: cut many thin slices so as to distribute them evenly over the entire area around the eyes, rather than on the actual eyelids. In this way, you will act on the entire periocular area, as if it were an eye patch that intercepts the part of the face most subject to wrinkles and signs of aging.
Leave on for 15 minutes; obviously, as with any natural remedy suggested here, it is recommended to repeat the treatment consistently to see the results.

If you prefer the cream solution, just blend a few slices with a teaspoon of yogurt (or honey) and always apply on the eye contour for the same time 15 minutes.
Alternatively, you can blend the cucumbers and add the honey after "cold", dosing the amount you prefer to obtain the consistency that suits you best.

© Unsplash Jonathan Pielmayer

5. Strawberry and egg white mask against tired eyes

Strawberries are one of the best natural remedies against tired and swollen eyes, this is because the alpha-hydroxy acids of which they are composed (the classic fruit acids), enjoy important exfoliating and antioxidant properties, ideal for eliminating puffiness, bags and dark circles.

You can proceed in two different ways and get two super effective masks with an immediate effect:
1. You can use the ingredients separately: then take a brush and spread the egg white around the eyes, lay some thin slices of strawberries on top and leave on for about 15 minutes.

2. Or you can create a creamy solution by blending all the ingredients. Whip the white of an egg with three strawberries until you get a homogeneous and fluffy mixture, then, again with the help of a brush, spread the mask in the lower eye area and if you prefer, even above, in the eyebrow area, but avoid the eyelids.

For both masks, it is necessary to wait 3-4 minutes for the solution to dry, then remove everything with lukewarm water.

Recipe Eye contour mask: the do-it-yourself recipe!