Crazy ambition in Austria: when winning is more important than your children

Every parent believes that their child is the most beautiful, the most responsive, the most intelligent. These thoughts contributed to this terrible photo taken during the marathon of Linz, in Austria.


The Junior marathon is annual and involves the participation of small athletes between 3 and 4 years old, who compete over a distance of about 40 meters. The purpose is to have fun but it is clear that parents wanted victory more than anything else in the world.

Screaming and roaring little ones are dragged to the finish line despite the exhortations of the race moderators: "let the children have fun!'.
The organizer of the marathon, Ewald Tröbinger, sadly said that the ambition of the parents is always growing, even if this is not a justification for the photo above.
The photo has spread like wildfire and is making the moderators of the sporting event seriously reflect: it is likely that due to such inadequate parents the Junior marathon will be eliminated.

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