Quarrel between Venier and Ventura: "Yes, I argued with Simona. Don't say I'm her mother-in-law!"

The long friendship between Simona Ventura and Mara Venier, two of the first women of the Italian show business, who in recent years have found themselves close even in private life, would seem to be at the end of the line. The two presenters would in fact have had a disagreement, the reasons for which are not known for now, even if it seems they are serious enough to permanently compromise the relations between the two former friends.

"Yes, there was a discussion between me and Simona, I confirm it. But you journalists, stop writing that I am the mother-in-law of Ventura. I am Nicola Carraro's wife and nothing else. ", this is what the former presenter of Sunday in, married to Nicola Carraro, father of the current Ventura companion, Gerò. No reference to the reasons for the discussion, even if the tones used by Venier seem rather peremptory so as to leave no doubts about the end of relations with the former presenter of X Factor And Those who football. Personal reasons, family quarrels or work problems? Unfortunately this remains a mystery. However, it is known that their respective companions, Nicola and Gero, are doing everything to mend the relations between their women. Will they make it? We hope so. We await the next rumors on the Ventura-Venier controversy, in the hope of a happy ending.

Mara Venier and Simona Ventura