Leo ascendant Capricorn: the characteristics of this passionate and determined sign

If the horoscope tries to reveal our fate in terms of love, health and work, astrology tries to outline the personality of each individual, describing their characteristics, main interests and affinities in relationships. To get a more precise picture, it is necessary to take into consideration not only the zodiac sign that in the birth chart is found in the house of the Sun - often understood as the "most important" one - but also the "ascendant, or the zodiac sign that was rising, at the exact moment of birth.

Today we will discover in detail the personality of the natives Leo ascendant Capricorn, individuals with great determination and strong and enveloping charisma!
Are you curious to know the ascendant of a person you are interested in? You can calculate his ascendant here.

The characteristics of the zodiac sign of Leo

All those born between 23 July and 23 August are of the sign of Leo. Together with Aries and Sagittarius, Leo is part of the zodiac signs of Fire and, in particular, is directly influenced by the Sun, a star that represents passion and energy, but also arrogance and vanity, all characteristics that are found in the Lion.

In fact, both men and women of this sign are known for their great generosity and pride of mind. Over the course of their lives they reveal excellent leadership skills, because they are endowed with a strong personality and charisma and because they are always ready to help others. when they are in trouble. They have an extraordinary determination that is mixed with an "important component of ambition: if a Leo thinks of something, it will be difficult to dissuade them. All this leads these natives to stubbornly achieve their goals both at work and in private life.

However, several defects are also added to these qualities. First of all, Leo is known for their tendency towards self-centeredness and narcissism and because they can be particularly short-tempered and grumpy when they feel cornered and perceive that they are losing control (or reason) over a situation.

See also

Aries ascendant Libra: the characteristics of this passionate and equ sign

Leo ascendant gemini: the characteristics of this sign

Aries ascendant Cancer: the characteristics of this determined sign and senses

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Capricorn as an ascendant

Unlike Leo, Capricorn is an Earth sign together with Taurus and Virgo and for this reason has a personality that is partly distant from that of Leo. First of all, even as an ascendant, Capricorn proves to be a prudent and thoughtful sign and very often this introverted component is seen as coldness and detachment. In reality, Capricorn ascendants are very sensitive people and attentive to all those around them. In love they are faithful and generous, although sometimes they tend to overshadow romanticism in favor of pragmatism.

In fact, like the sign of Leo, these natives are endowed with great determination and organizational skills. They are particularly appreciated in their work because they do not give up in the face of the most demanding challenges, using method and discipline to achieve whatever goal is set in front of them.

Despite this, even as an ascendant, Capricorn risks being excessively closed towards others. Furthermore, his stubbornness often turns into stubbornness that can hinder confrontations and moments of personal growth.

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The personality of those born Leo ascendant Capricorn

The combination in the birth chart of Leo in the house of the Sun and of the Capricorn ascendant results in a balanced personality and undeniable qualities especially on the working level. The Leo ascendant Capricorn are people who may initially seem closed and detached, but who instead hide a lively and passionate soul. The addition of the sign of Earth to that of Fire accentuates the stubbornness already typical of lions, also increasing their ambition and charisma. There is no doubt that these natives are excellent leaders, who emanate a "aura able to drag anyone, both colleagues and family and friends.

While Leo would tend to over-lavish, Capricorn helps to curb this aspect, making the Fire sign more thrifty and attentive. Despite this, a Capricorn ascendant Leo is ready to face anything for those he loves or for whom he sees in difficulty: he remains a decidedly generous person and willing to help others.

We must not forget that both of these signs are known for their stubbornness and the result in their combination is noticeable: these little cubs are really not very accommodating and their tenacity often leads them to be uncompromising, because they struggle to accept changes with respect to their plans and to their intentions of departure. Being able to be right in an argument with them is really a "difficult task!"

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The affinities in love of Leo ascendant Capricorn

In the field of astrology and horoscope, Leo is famous for his passion, while Capricorn for his sensitivity and his close bond with the family. Thus, in the personality of Leo ascendant Capricorn these characteristics are mixed giving life to very special partners. In fact, these little cubs are looking in love for long and lasting stories and not short one-night stands. If on the one hand they are fiery and passionate, on the other they appear to be faithful and caring towards the loved one. In the early stages of the relationship they may seem detached and not very involved, but because they take a little longer to melt towards others. and to show their warm and overwhelming soul. For these natives, loyalty is essential and they do not conceive of betrayal: if they suspect something, they show themselves as jealous as few and hardly manage to forgive in case of infidelity.

In the relationship with the other signs, the Leo ascendant Capricorn are in agreement with the signs of Earth and with those of Water. In particular, they share with Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and the same Capricorn the predisposition to serious and long-lasting relationships and the attachment to the family. With signs like Virgo they have in common the dedication to work, while with the Scorpio the passion, even if with the latter, conflicts can arise in terms of a serious bond.

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As for the Fire signs, there are excellent chances in love with other Leos: it will be a decidedly fiery and full of passion relationship, in which both partners will have to smooth out the most uncompromising and jealous sides of their character. There can be difficulties with Aries and Sagittarius if the latter are not willing to bond permanently and to devote themselves seriously to life as a couple. The ascendant of the partner here will be decisive.

The same problem occurs with the signs of Air, especially with Gemini and Aquarius: the latter are famous for their free spirit that often goes wrong with the "rules" of a relationship. Unless they are willing to commit, a union with these lion cubs will be unlikely or, in any case, difficult. There is a greater affinity, however, with Libra, a sign of Air much more prone to love stability that shares the desire for stability and to build a family with a subject Leo ascendant Capricorn.

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