The "anti-cancer" oranges

Saturday 25 January the appointment with the "Oranges of Health" returns, chosen by the AIRC, the Italian Association for Cancer Research, as a symbol of healthy and protective nutrition. Twenty thousand volunteers and researchers will in fact distribute 330,000 nets containing 2.5 kg of blood oranges in the main Italian squares. With a minimum contribution of 9 euros it is possible to concretely support the research work against cancer.

It is in fact known that oranges contain a great wealth of antioxidants and vitamin C, in particular, blood orange contains about 40% more vitamin C than other citrus fruits, and anthocyanins, natural pigments with extraordinary antioxidant powers. We now know that nearly 70% of cancers could be prevented or diagnosed in time if we all had correct lifestyles and adhered to early screening and diagnosis protocols.

Some cancers are more sensitive to the effects of food. The confirmation comes from some international studies, such as EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition), which investigated the consequences for health, and in particular the risk of cancer, starting from the eating habits of Europeans. "From the results of this study, co-financed by AIRC and the European Community and started in the early 90s, recruiting about 500,000 people in 10 European countries, the link between poor nutrition and overweight immediately catches the eye" explains Paolo Vineis, epidemiologist of the "Imperial College of London and of the University of Turin, which adds:" In particular it was discovered that both the body mass index (the BMI, which evaluates the overall weight of the person in relation to the "height) and the waist size , indicator of "central obesity" (also known as visceral or abdominal) up to now mainly linked to cardiovascular risk, determine a reduction in "life expectancy which also passes through an increase in cancer cases".

Godmother of the noble initiative, Margherita Grambassi, who thus invites Italians to join the Day dedicated to Health Oranges: "As a child I accompanied my mother as a volunteer in the squares to distribute the Oranges of Health. Today I invite all of you, on Saturday, to look for the AIRC health oranges. Help not only your health, but cancer research as well. "

Margherita Grambassi