10 reasons that make Jennifer Aniston a truly perfect friend

Nice, sweet, wise and self-deprecating: in one word, splendid. One can only describe the actress Jennifer Aniston in this way, artistically born in the early nineties on the set of the cult telefilm Friends with the character by Rachel Green, thanks to whose interpretation he conquered the whole world, entering the Olympus of the protagonists of the most beloved TV series of all time. Yet, over the years, the American interpreter has been able to make himself loved almost as much as the spoiled and adorable New York girl who shared the "apartment with Monica Geller and who made us suffer and dream in her romantic and funny ups and downs with the tender Ross. Yes, because it seems that Aniston is not only a good and talented actress, but also a woman with a thousand resources , as well as a perfect BFF (best friend forever, ed.). Do you want to know why? Here are the ten reasons that make Jennifer the ideal friend.

1. She is ironic and very good at making others laugh

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Have you ever seen an interview with Jennifer Aniston? Here, you should! Especially if you are sad. This woman has the ability to make any chat fun, even the most serious and demanding, thanks to her innate irony that makes her one of the most nice and beloved of Hollywood, as well as a real antidiva. And is there a better quality that you would ask of your dearest friend?

2. She is wise and balanced: she would be able to give you excellent advice!

She is a wise, strong and balanced woman. How many times has she reacted as a lady, not feeding gossip and choosing the noble silence to the most vulgar resentful rant, as often happens among the women of the show? Yet, the risk of her falling into the network and cliché of the betrayed and soured woman, as we all know, was more than plausible, given the story of the unpleasant and much talked about love triangle with Pitt and rival Angelina Jolie, for which she recently even spent. words of esteem. In short, if this is not called class ...

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3. Because he loves dogs!

The way a person treats animals is said to say a lot about him and his personality. Well, Jennifer loves them, especially dogs, so much so that she got the name of her Norman tattooed on her right foot, the Welsh corgi / terrier she had for 15 years and was very fond of, who died in 2011. And if that's not enough. to make you melt, let's add another tearful detail: you want to know what "the actress replied, visibly moved, to the question" What is your favorite word? " shortly after the disappearance of his four-legged friend? Obviously, "Norman". In short, how can you not love her?

4. For his real friendship with Courteney Cox, the Monica from "Friends"

They were the best friends par excellence of the small screen, but think, Rachel and Monica are also in reality! Yes, that's right: Courteney and Jen continued to be very close even after the common experience of Friends. And for all lovers of the cult TV series of the 90s, seeing the friendship of the two actresses even away from the scene is truly a dream! A bit as if the story of Central Perk's six inseparable friends continues in real life ... What more could you ask for!

5. Because he never takes himself too seriously

How many celebrities would put a ridiculous mask on their face or would lend themselves to funny and embarrassing gags during one of the most followed programs in the world and on the web? Not many, in fact. Antidivism is a little known practice in Hollywood and its surroundings, but don't worry, with Jen there is no danger of various snobberies and boring conversations: just a great deal of laughter and complicity! Seriously, and luckily our Jenny has plenty of it.

6. Because it's a perfect shoulder to cry on

Try to think: you have a love problem, who would you go to? To the reassuring and sweet Jennifer or to Angelina Jolie, running the risk that the man will blow you too? In short, joking aside, our ideal friend has repeatedly proven to be a sensitive and empathetic woman. Rest assured that in times of need he would run to you with an ice cream pack of your favorite flavor, just like he did in Friends.

7. She always knows how to have fun, and keep her friends entertained

You are sad, depressed, angry, do not worry! Jennifer would know how to cheer you up and make you forget your pains.

8. Because she is a trendsetter! He would be able to give you great tips in terms of looks and fashion ...

Wasn't it the woman who dictated the hairstyle in those glorious nineties? Her haircut marked a generation, and beyond, making her become a true trendsetter, just like the character she played, the spoiled and fashion victim Rachel Green. Even today, Jen amazes with her style, which is a source of inspiration for most women. And let's face it, her hair is insanely crazy! How many of you wouldn't sell fake cards to get them?

9. Because it is impossible to be angry with her for more than two minutes

The funny faces and the strong characterization of which she is capable in fiction as in reality, are one of the things that make Jennifer the adorable friend that everyone would like to have. You know those expressions between the ridiculous and the funny that appeared on the face of Rachel and the other characters played by Aniston? Here, they are a distinctive trait of the actress, who flaunts with great ease during interviews and the most famous red carpets. Try to imagine a fight with her, do you really think you can be serious in front of those ridiculous and funny expressions? anger would disappear in the blink of an eye.

10. He has words full of esteem even for Angelina Jolie !!!

She managed to spend words full of esteem even towards the woman who stole her husband. C "is still something" else to add ?? !!

In short, Jenny, you would be an "ideal friend!"

Opening photo taken from Jennifer Aniston's official fan page