Falling in love: how to tell if it's happening to you again

Songs, films, novels: everything has been said about love from women and men. Yet it is still one of the most talked about topics in the world. This is because when your heart starts beating a little faster, when you feel butterflies in your stomach and recognize all the typical signs that you are falling in love again, you always feel like it's the first time, like you haven't loved until at that moment, or at least not that much. Each love story for the couple is unique but falling in love always has the same symptoms!

The phase of falling in love

What a whirlwind of emotions lovers feel! Falling in love is a beautiful phase, even a little magical. An all-encompassing experience capable of radically changing our habits and our life by leading us into the unknown. Being in love means being involved by another person completely and under different aspects: the only idea of ​​spending time together is a pure adrenaline rush.
The loved one becomes the total center of our existence, the relationship with the partner the only goal: there is nothing else in the world so beautiful, so important and precious that it deserves all our interest.
In falling in love we rediscover things and emotions that are dormant in us, or that perhaps we did not know at all, such as jealousy, which in the most serious cases can also become a real obsession, making us unable to live without knowing where it is, what it does and with who speaks your loved one. This phase is characterized by a series of symptoms on a physical level such as a rapid heartbeat and symptoms on a psychological level. You know when you are at work and you can only think about your partner? Precisely.

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Symptoms of falling in love

Here is a series of physical and psychological symptoms that you can easily recognize in a woman or a man in love! Your heartbeat as well as your breathing become more intense and irregular. The stomach closes (and you end up eating less), it can happen to you to sweat even in the middle of winter: you will feel from butterflies in the stomach to dizziness! On a psychological level, the matter is further complicated because a series of different components come into play that inevitably affect the personal experience and previous experiences of each one. It is very common to feel the desire to never separate from your partner, the desire to experience moments of intimacy and situations of pure romanticism, as is the feeling of lack and agitation even after a few hours away or even before moving away! The lover feels more positive and everyday worries are scaled down: this is because on the one hand he has no time to think about anything other than his love, on the other hand, because loving and being loved not a little reinvigorates his self-esteem. These symptoms characterize the initiation of new relationships and have an average duration of about six months (but in some cases they also persist for 2 or 3 years!) After which the couple normalizes. You feel more serene and peaceful about living your own love story, building something solid and important, giving up the emphasis of the early days. Being able to understand the inevitable changes that every love story goes through is the secret of a relationship that lasts over the years!

See also: 90s couples who are still together: true love is timeless!

© Getty Images 90s couples who are still together: true love is timeless!

Falling in love is good for you

Probably reading this article you have already made you want to experience these wonderful sensations once again. Do you think that the psychologist Richard Wiseman said that one of the best ways to fall in love is to pretend you are already in love and immediately get into the part of the lover!

And now the desire to meet a partner who makes your heart beat faster, because by continuing to read you will discover that falling in love is also good for your health. When we fall in love, our body experiences a real burst of energy, we feel charged and able to do everything because of dopamine, a natural stimulant that crosses our body from side to side and makes us feel happy. Our brain is also particularly active and creative. The skin appears radiant and shining like never before: the credit is all of the love that stimulates the production of oxytocin, the hormone that releases another hormone, DHEA, capable of promoting cell renewal. Not only that: being in love helps you lose weight because it often makes us lose our appetite. And then by making love more often we can burn fat and regain physical shape in a flash!

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When "love is" wrong

Some psychologists compare the emotions and contradictions of falling in love to a pathology that can trigger typical addictive behaviors, such as anxiety, insomnia, anger and compulsiveness. Never being able to fall in love, or to fall out of love, or still always falling in love with the wrong person are the other side of the coin when it comes to love. Sigmund Freud argued, for example, that man and woman in love find themselves living in a condition of extreme fragility and vulnerability, in which pleasing the partner and avoiding his rejection and indifference becomes a real mission that has absolute priority over the rest. of life.

How to get your loved one to reciprocate

Clearly there is no universal law and in terms of love and attraction, random components and chemical factors come into play, but you can certainly do something to encourage the other to fall in love. For example, focusing your attention on a person who is emotionally free, and engaging in a game of looks, smiles and positive messages with her, creating intimacy. Looking into each other's eyes is very important, as is imitating the movements of the other: it is a little trick to encourage closeness. It is essential to speak directly and sincerely but equally it is to know how to listen. Also pay attention to the temperature of what you drink and eat on first dates: favor warm things, which warm the body. When our body is hot it is more prone to warm behaviors!

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How not to fall in love with the wrong person

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