Getting pregnant after a miscarriage: the answers to the most common questions

Getting pregnant after an abortion is possible because the miscarriage is not connected to the future pregnancies that a woman may have; therefore, if you are in this condition and want to know if you can still hope to get pregnant and become a mother, the answer is yes. .

In this article we will deepen the topic trying to answer all the most common questions on the subject. First, however, we leave you a video on the topic of spontaneous abortion.

Pregnant after an abortion: can you try it right away?

There is no risk of getting pregnant after a miscarriage. It's just like after giving birth! The only risk, if the lining of the uterus is not ready to receive the egg, is to have another miscarriage.

If the pregnancy begins normally, there is a good chance it will continue like a normal pregnancy. In case of general tiredness, it is advisable to rest and if necessary notify the doctor.

Let nature take its course: don't change your sexual habits just to try at all costs to get pregnant; let yourself be carried away by your sensations and engage in sexual intercourse if and when you feel like it.

If you get pregnant again quickly, it means that everything is going well and that the miscarriage was just a one-time occurrence. Try to be calm and get a pregnancy test in the laboratory at the beginning of the next month than you expected. the period, but it did not come.

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Getting pregnant after a late miscarriage

There is no way to know for sure when you will be pregnant again after the miscarriage, but the rules to follow always remain the same, regardless of the age at which you experienced the abortion.

Try to live as normal a life as possible, don't worry constantly about when you will ovulate because anxiety and stress disturb ovulation dates.

If you can keep calm and be happy, it will be easier to get pregnant again.
So there is only one solution: stay calm!

Spontaneous abortion and cervix: the risks for future pregnancies

If you have had a miscarriage due to cervical problems in previous pregnancies, when you are pregnant again, your doctor will monitor you closely. If there is a possible threat of abortion, he will ask for directions for a possible cerclage.

Don't panic, you'll have every chance to carry your pregnancy to term with proper monitoring. Try to be calm and peaceful: it is the best way to get pregnant.

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How to manage the fear of getting pregnant after an abortion

It is perfectly normal to feel sad after a miscarriage. As long as you do not accept this sad and harsh reality, you will be afraid. Do not worry and rely on the time that will help you to mourn.

For this reason, it is advisable to wait a few periods before trying to get pregnant again, just to allow anxious women to get rid of their worries (calm women are more likely to get pregnant quickly). If this advice is also a source of anxiety, what should be done?

Remember that pregnancy is a natural act, but a miscarriage is too. Advances in medicine make pregnancies safer, not automatic, and it is very common to have an abortion during the first pregnancy; just as it is very common to have a miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. In general, it is during the first trimester of pregnancy that the risk of miscarriage is greatest.

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Miscarriage and no curettage: can you get pregnant?

It is not possible to say for sure if and when, you will be pregnant when nature decides, or rather as soon as all the conditions for fertilization and implantation are met.

For this to happen, it is necessary to have a good ovulation, "strong" spermatozoa, a good hormonal impregnation and an endometrial mucosa in excellent condition, able to receive the implantation of the egg.

All of these conditions, after an abortion, will not be met for a month or two or more, however understandable your desire for motherhood may be.

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Spontaneous abortion in late pregnancy: why does it happen and can you try again?

In the case of a miscarriage around the 8th month, it is generally referred to as the “premature birth of a stillborn baby.” This is because at eight months most babies are already formed and ready to be born.

This event, when it happens, is extremely painful, and it is normal for parents who need to know and understand the causes.

The causes of stillbirth are many: the origin can be a chromosomal malformation, a severe dysplasia (malformation), an infectious, parasitic or toxic disease, a problem with placental circulation. In some cases, the cause is not found.

The cause of death will be sought by examining the baby, placenta and blood tests.
In the case of chromosomal malformations, in some cases a chromosomal examination of the parents' cells will be necessary to prevent recurrence.

In any case, all is not lost, after some time it will be possible to get pregnant again.

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The risks of miscarriage

If the problems that led to a miscarriage in the past aren't hereditary genetic problems, you have a good chance of carrying the next pregnancy to term.

It is very interesting to know the histological analysis of the first spontaneous abortion: if the analysis is normal, one should be completely reassured about future pregnancies.

In the event of a possible future miscarriage, it would be useful, if possible, to collect the expelled product to have it analyzed and look for a cause that may not have been thought of.

Can you have sex immediately after a miscarriage?

You can have normal intercourse from the start of your next menstrual cycle, as soon as the bleeding that signals healing stops.
The chances of fertilization if you have regular sexual intercourse during the fertilization period are on average 18%.
There is little chance of an anembryonic pregnancy if histological analysis revealed nothing abnormal.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have a miscarriage at the same time?

No, it is not possible to start a new pregnancy if the product of the miscarriage is not expelled first. After the menstrual cycle resumes, it will be possible to get pregnant again.

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