Finally pregnant! But when she does the ultrasound, here's the incredible discovery ...

Bethani and Tim Webb have always wanted a family, and when Bethani found out she was pregnant, they could only be happier. But when they did the ultrasound ... They noticed something very unexpected!

In spite of what they thought, the new parents found themselves in front of not 1 but 4 pulsating hearts. Bethani thought it was a joke for a moment and it took Tim a few minutes to realize it.

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The likelihood of such a conception is 1 in 67 million and, even stranger, neither Tim's nor Bethani's family have ever had twin births. The couple lives in a small Canadian town, has just 800 inhabitants, and everyone seems willing to help.


'We wanted a large family. Of course, 4 at once will be quite challenging ...'.
We are sure that Tim and Bethani will be able to do a great job!

Retro ideas for your baby's name:

Tags:  Parenthood Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology