Thanks from Baby Rabies: when kindness goes viral

The photographer accompanying Jill Krause, author of the blog aimed at mothers Baby Rabies, immortalized the "nurse who assisted her during childbirth in a photo that broke the hearts of many women, struck by the" exemplary attitude of the nurse " enough to make the shot become viral.

Some women are lucky enough to meet nurses who have this job in their blood, just like her ...

Jill Krause's photo and message

The photo, posted by the blogger on her Facebook page, portrays the nurse as she helps her new mother to the toilet scrupulously. Together with the photo, the words expressing Jill's heartfelt gratitude:
"I will never forget the faces of the nurses who accompanied me to the bathroom after giving birth. When" I was so vulnerable, tired, scared and shaken ... They treated me with great kindness and dignity ... This photo of my friend MommaKT Shoots it takes me back ... We thank the nurses or anyone else who "teaches us to fix ice in our underwear (or to take the first shower!)"

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The photo, accompanied by endless comments from mothers ready to tell their post-birth experiences, was shared by women all over the world.
Accepting Jill's invitation, thousands of women fondly remembered the nurses who stood by them:
"As soon as my first child was born, a nurse looked at me and said: I know you just had a baby, the kitchen closes in 10 minutes but I can bring you some chicken nuggets and chips if I hurry!" tells a woman.

The author of the shot, Katie Lacer (aka MommaKT Shoots), reassures us by showing us how these episodes of kindness are not so rare ...

Thanks to the courtesy, hard work and love of these women for their work, other women will forever have an even more special memory of the day they became mothers.

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