Homeschooling: a more timely choice than ever

If you are the parent of a child of compulsory school age, during 2020 you may have thought of this type of educational approach for your child, given the long absences of children from school due to the Coronavirus.
Did you know about homeschooling? Here we summarize the most important information. Before continuing with the reading, find out how to stimulate children's creativity in the video below, word to our expert Chiara Grecchi!

What is homeschooling and what does it mean?

Homeschooling or parental education, as can be understood from the word itself, is the education that is given by parents to children or by substitute figures. At the end of each year, students at home can take an exam (to move on to the next class in case it is decided to send them to school) and it is necessary to self-certify to the nearest school the choice to educate the children / teenagers within the walls home.
Educating at home does not mean that parents or guardians open schools (in this case we would speak of Parental Schools), but that they take on the education of minors in full.

The underlying concept is that with homeschooling, the family is the center of everything: anyone who wants to can be involved in these activities and can bring their personal experience and expertise, also taking advantage of the environment around them. There are no predefined rules of times or days, the organization of school activities is at the discretion of the families. Some parents prefer to follow the current school model in terms of hours to devote to study, while others move away from it completely, preferring a more spontaneous learning without predefined texts. This does not mean that one should not submit to bureaucratic rules; in fact, those who choose to educate their children at home are still subject to State Legislation. It is also true that one is not subject to regional or provincial regulations.
How long can homeschooling last? Always according to these general rules, a student from home may never physically go to an educational institution, until reaching the age of majority, and therefore up to university.

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Spread of parental education in Italy and in the world

As we mentioned above, this possibility that families have to guarantee their children an education outside the boundaries of public and private institutions, is not widespread in Italy, but is growing after the health events of the last year.
During 2020, about 2,000 Italian families opted for this type of education, but with the arrival of last September, the data seems to have tripled (source: Family Education Association).
In the rest of the world this choice has long been widely embraced.
In the United States, there are over 2 million home-educated children, while in England and Canada, 80,000 and 70,000 families respectively have chosen homeschooling as a method of education for their children. Other European countries such as France and Spain, on the other hand, have numerical accessions similar to the Italian model. For some of these countries, we are in the third generation of home-educated kids and even the most prestigious colleges in the world admit students who come from a purely domestic education (see Harvard, Princeton and Yale).

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Erika di Martino's homeschooling experience

On the Web, you can find several testimonials from one of the pioneers of Italian homeschooling, Erika di Martino. Mother of 5 school-age children, she opted for the same educational model for all her children; what she and her husband have to offer in the safe environment of their home. Today he is the spokesperson for this teaching methodology and is also a consultant for families who decide to undertake this path. In short, a real authority in this sector.

Also according to Erika, parental education in Italy is growing strongly, with a particular decline in the last period, when the number doubled since spring 2020 and exploded in early September.
A phenomenon worth talking about and informing families about.
There have always been educated but unschooled children in Italy, those children who have never seen a black chalkboard with white chalk and who have never sat in a school desk.
But how do families arrive at this counter-current decision?
According to Erika's homeschooling experience, it was mainly the rigidity of the Italian school system, which never fully convinced her. After also inquiring about the legal aspects, she decided to go on this family adventure.

According to the expert, those who decide to educate their children at home must structure the day and activities well, to alternate the work of parents with teaching support.
Also according to Erika, elementary school pupils can only need a few well-organized hours a day to ensure that the children cover all the topics they face at school. The rest of the time can be devoted to 'side' activities such as taking walks, spending time cooking together, which form the little one in other respects. For those in middle school, the time to devote to teaching is obviously greater.
What is certain, says the expert, is that the real strength is the collaboration that takes place within society, because with homeschooling, children are an active part of the community itself.

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What needs to be done to homeschool?

If you are already approaching this world, we will briefly illustrate the procedures you will have to face.

Keep in mind that Article 34 of the Italian Constitution starts from the assumption that "Lower education, given for at least eight years, is compulsory and free". Consequently, it is education itself that is compulsory and not school, and also in Article 30 it is stated that the education of children is primarily the responsibility of the parents.
Starting with this awareness, you are ready to begin! Here's what you need to know.

1- Send a written communication to the nearest educational management every year for the year to come; also attach a self-certification attesting to the technical skills and economic possibilities of the parents. This is because, although it is your right to educate your children at home, the school can always carry out checks in case of doubts;

2- Always be ready for dialogue, as, as we have emphasized several times, it is a practice that is still not widespread in Italy, and the institutions, if you miss moments of dialogue, may want to know more about your family situation and how children / teenagers are being educated;

3- Since 2018, Homeschoolers children / young people have been registered with the ANS, National Student Registry, so their name is categorized under the heading of 'family education';

4- Also from 2018, it is expected that students with parental education must take an eligibility exam to move on to the next class. These qualification exams, made by private individuals, are formulated to formalize the pupil's school career and it is necessary that you submit a school program by the spring (April) attaching it to the exam request. The programs must comply with the National Guidelines of the MIUR and not the program of the school where you have chosen to have your child take the exam;

5- It is always possible to change your mind, giving your child the opportunity to re-enter the traditional teaching system.

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Can all parents teach from home?

In general, the answer is yes. Unlike traditional teachers, there is no need to have acquired pedagogical and infantile skills over the years. What is needed for a homeschooling teacher is to establish a solid relationship with the child, who is usually already present as a parent.
A mother or father is committed to transmitting their knowledge following the rhythms and abilities of the pupil, which is not always possible in a school class, due to the strict schedules and deadlines to be met.
Essential skills for educating school subjects from home are listening and respect for each other, but also the ability to know how to correctly answer all the questions that the student will inevitably ask.
At the heart of parental education is the personalization of the educational program, a precious opportunity that more and more parents have decided to seize by becoming educators at 360 °. The parents of the Homeschoolers study a lot and plan lessons, trying to escape from the pre-established patterns of the school and if necessary they avail themselves of the help of external figures or authoritative sources. Even in the case of home education it is necessary to monitor the progress of one's method, observing in this case one's children, not with a single test, but with a broader observation that touches the different aspects of the person.

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Pros and cons of homeschooling

If the topic has fascinated you, you just have to sum up and see what are the pros and cons of this educational method, also looking at it from the point of view of pedagogues.

Advantages: a general well-being of the individual, as home education is based on concepts such as flexibility and individual approach. For obvious reasons, children in the classroom may be poorly followed and thus may tend not to learn. Thanks to Homeschooling, the ratio is 1: 1.
The program is tailor-made on the child / teenager and if a pupil has difficulty with a subject, the parent can try more interactive approaches, thus minimizing those feelings of frustration and difficulty that are often present in traditional teaching.
If we are dealing with children with low immune defenses, parental education is certainly a viable option to prevent illness or injury.
And, finally, the great benefit of being able to manage one's commitments and family dynamics as it is believed should not be underestimated.

Disadvantages: socialization with peers of the same age is a bit lacking; you risk isolation if the guardian has little experience in the sector. To overcome this problem, the experts suggest a strong organization and integration with the social and cultural activities of the area.
It is necessary not to miss the rules, even at home, because they are essential for a correct development of the child.
Another disadvantage for the experts is the imbalance that is created in the parent-child relationship when the mother or father also becomes a teacher: at school and at work, there are precise hierarchies and relationships. The question is therefore how the home-educated child can manage this recognition of roles.

To conclude, these are generic aspects that do not concern individual situations, but that it is good to keep in mind in case you want to proceed with this delicate choice.

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