Heather Parisi's beautiful reflection on aging

But who said that, once we reach a certain age, we women are forced to undergo intensive cosmetic surgery treatments? Of course, it is lawful, as it is lawful but above all possible for a woman to be proud of her wrinkles. One of all, the splendid Heather Parisi, 60 years old last January 27th.

  1. · Heather Parisi VS hater
  2. A beautiful message of acceptance
  3. Stereotypical beauty does not interest her
  4. · The best "revenge" is serenity

Heather Parisi VS hater

In recent days, the former American dancer and showgirl for years naturalized Italian has decided to respond publicly - and for the rhymes - to a follower who, under a photo of her, had left a comment as offensive as it is superficial: "How have you aged , you were so beautiful… ". Parisi, who likes herself as she is and rises above the pressures to which women and their bodies are constantly subjected, confronts her detractor, but she doesn't do it with a hard face, but with a class and a grace of rare manufacture.

"You are right, my face and body have changed a lot since the time of Cicada and Disco Child. They have changed a lot even from before my last pregnancy at the age of 50. Today I am 60 years old and the beauty of my youth certainly does not it belongs to me anymore. But I, from the beginning, decided that I would not pursue that beauty at any cost, that I would not try to cheat time by resorting to surgery. "

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A beautiful message of acceptance

Hers is a beautiful message of acceptance in full body-positive spirit. Beauty isn't everything and Heather has always been convinced of this. After all, she has certainly not achieved success thanks to her pretty face. Years of study, perseverance, commitment, exhausting training and talent, these are the ingredients that have allowed a young blonde recently arrived from Los Angeles to get noticed and become the pupil of the greatest Italian talent-scout, the only and timeless Pippo Baudo. We also remember that Heather is 4 times a mother, the last dating back to 2010, when she gave birth to the twins Elizabeth Jaden and Dylan Maria and we know very well the impact that pregnancies have on our body, so it is very sad that it was a woman who left the comment, maybe even a mother.

Stereotypical beauty doesn't interest her

The outburst of the dancer, now resident on a permanent basis in Hong Kong, ends with a reflection that every woman should make their own at the first signs of wrinkles and white hair.

"And believe me, I would never change my 'aging' today with my 'beauty' of yesterday, because today I have much more to tell and I have a serenity that I have never had."

The best "revenge" is serenity

Therefore, Parisi's best “revenge” on her detractors is the serenity with which she has learned to accept the signs of aging on her body and the pride with which she shows off. After all, as she herself insists, “It is the awareness that what makes us unique is our experience, not anonymous bodies of stereotyped beauty”.

Tags:  In Shape Kitchen Women-Of-Today