Eye contact: the importance of eye contact

How many times in life have we heard the phrase: "the eyes are the mirror of the" soul "? Maintaining eye contact with" another person or with your interlocutor allows us to understand many aspects of who you are in front of and is a " essential action on certain occasions. In fact, looking into each other's eyes is part of that non-verbal communication which also includes reading the body language of others.This practice favors the understanding of those around us, without necessarily having to use words.

In this article we will discover the effects of "eye contact both between strangers and between partners. Furthermore, we will notice how it is possible to overcome the difficulties of maintaining eye contact and when it is really essential to look the other person in the eye.

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Looking a stranger in the eye: the effects

Several studies and experiments have been conducted over time that saw strangers as protagonists with a single task: to look into each other's eyes for several minutes, maintain eye contact and explain the sensations and emotions felt for that limited amount of time. Each couple of strangers perceived the creation of a bond of affinity and harmony through just the gaze and, therefore, with simply the use of this non-verbal language. All this resulted in involuntary laughter, blush and sometimes nervous smiles. In general, at the end of the minutes available, all the strangers have tried complicity with the person with whom they were in a couple: some even spoke of love at first sight!

These experiences have shown that the use of words is not always the only way to create a bond between individuals. Eye contact can be the way to establish a first connection between two strangers without prejudice or barriers due to shyness or embarrassment.

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Look into each other's eyes: the meaning

The same studies were conducted between couples who not only knew each other but were in a real-life relationship. Given the daily routine, sometimes we forget the importance of looking your partner in the eye and the effects that this simple gesture has on those who perform it and on the well-being of the relationship. Looking into the eyes of lovers means paying attention to the other. to strengthen affinity and complicity and to feel closer on a mental and emotional level. This result has been observed in all kinds of couples, both long-term couples and those who have been dating for a short time.

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How to look a person in the eye

Not everyone is able to maintain eye contact for some time during a conversation. There are those who feel a certain embarrassment to hold the gaze of others, almost as if they found this action intimidating or felt under scrutiny. However, in some situations, looking someone in the eye without looking away can be really important. If you too lived this "block", know that there are some small precautions to overcome this "limit", which help you feel at ease while looking at another "person."

  • Try to relax: when you feel shyness or discomfort in supporting the gaze of others or of your interlocutor, the first step to take is to commit to relax. By eliminating your tension, you will feel immediate well-being with yourself and will be able to focus better on others. To do this, you need to focus on your breathing, extending the time spent on inhalation and exhalation.
  • Focus on one eye: When speaking, it can be more difficult to look at both eyes. A good solution is to focus on one eye only, alternating from time to time, or an intermediate point between the two, such as the junction of the nose. The interlocutor will not be able to notice the difference and it will be easier for you to bring continue the conversation.
  • Add gestures to show interest: communication is one made of words, but the non-verbal part should not be underestimated. Especially when you find it difficult to hold someone's gaze while talking, smiling, nodding your head or sending other signals of approval can help. This is because they are all actions that manage to show interest in the conversation and, in the same way, to release tension.

The importance of looking each other in the eye

In the various social or private relationships that we have, looking other people in the eye can be really fundamental. Often it is as fundamental as the handshake: both are an introduction card because they reveal various information about who we are. In a conversation generic, it tries to sustain the gaze of the interlocutor especially when you are concluding a thought. It is the moment in which your honesty and sincerity is transmitted as much as you let it be understood to those in front of you that they can start talking and that you are expecting their opinion.

To conclude, we point out two situations where the "eye contact plays a key role:

  • Eye contact during first dates: While you are getting to know a person and are in the early dating phase, eye contact can be the way to tell if they are really interested or not. If you almost always find yourself staring at each other, then there is probably attraction between you and genuine interest in what you think.
  • Maintain Eye Contact During a Job Interview: Looking a potential employer in the eye is very important to convey confidence in your abilities and determination about that position. Also, if you do not look away while your interlocutor is talking to you, you will let him know that you are interested in what he is saying.