Quotes about self-esteem: the most beautiful quotes about self-confidence

In a world that puts perfection more and more at the center, it is really complicated to feel like the expectations of others and of society. What suffers most is certainly our self-esteem, that is the esteem we have towards us and the confidence in our abilities. Being such an important and, at the same time, delicate topic, many of the great authors have wanted to address it in their texts, highlighting its various facets. We have collected the most beautiful phrases on self-esteem, from motivational ones to aphorisms on self-love.

Before you find out all the quotes, try watching this short video about the different ways there are to boost your self-esteem!

Aphorisms on the importance of self-esteem

Let's start with a series of sentences that show, from multiple points of view, how important self-esteem is in everyone's life. Many of the great authors have reflected on self-esteem and how lack of it can affect people's existence.

The core of your personality is self-esteem, "how much you like yourself". The more you like and respect yourself, the better you will do in whatever you want to undertake.
Brian Tracy

Those who value themselves are safe from others; he wears a breastplate that no one can penetrate.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Self-esteem is something difficult to describe, to identify, to analyze: because it is "mobile", it is a function of the past, of experiences already made, but also of those we are living.
Willy Pasini

Self-esteem is the deepest content of human life.
Sándor Márai

See also

How to have more self-confidence

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Self-esteem cannot be built overnight. Everything needs time. If you continue to make bold efforts day after day, you will eventually gain confidence.
Daisaku Ikeda

The length of the limousine is inversely proportional to the self-esteem of the person driving it.
Denis Waitley

If you are not convinced of your value, you will never be respected: without self-esteem, you cannot go far. Dignity and self-esteem go hand in hand.
Paolo Crepet

You ask me what has been my greatest progress? I began to be friends with myself.
Lucio Anneo Seneca

For people who do not esteem themselves, success is worth zero, failure is worth double.
Giorgio Nardone

It would be difficult to mention a sign of low self-esteem that is more certain than the need to perceive another group as inferior.
Nathaniel Branden

There is something worse than death and any suffering, the loss of self-esteem. When we are struck by one or more people in the self-esteem that constitutes our dignity as men, the wound is so deep that not even death can put an end to this torment.
Sándor Márai

Self-esteem is the cornerstone of all virtues.
John Herschel

Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence as fulfillment.
Thomas Carlyle

Fluctuating self-esteem is having the awareness of the immense inferiority of anyone else and at the same time the awareness of the immense inferiority of oneself compared to anyone else.

Be beautiful if possible, wise if you will, but respect yourself - which is essential.
Anna Gould

True self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves when something goes wrong.
Nathaniel Branden

The best quotes about loving yourself

Sometimes it seems easier for us to love others than ourselves. However, without self-love we will never be able to dedicate ourselves in the right way to other people. Only by loving ourselves will we be able to respect ourselves first and then those around us.

Only in this way, only with self-love, will you force others to respect you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

The more you like yourself, the less you are like someone else, which is what makes you unique.
Walt Disney

You can search all over the universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than yourself and you will not find him anywhere. You yourself, like anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

Do not forget to love yourself.
Søren Kierkegaard

When I began to truly love myself, I got rid of everything that was not doing me good: food, people, things, situations and everything that pulled me down and away from myself. At first I called it "healthy selfishness", but today I know this is self-love.
Charlie Chaplin

Loving yourself is the beginning of an idyll that lasts a lifetime.
Oscar Wilde

Love yourself first and everything else will follow. You really have to love yourself to do something in this world.
Lucille Ball

Loving yourself is not vanity. It's sanity.
André Gide

The most beautiful phrases about believing in yourself

Believing in yourself and in your abilities is essential. Without this assumption, it is impossible to achieve the goals we set ourselves and we cannot be comfortable with ourselves. The phrases on this topic can help you find the right energy when you feel you need it most!

Whoever loses money loses a lot; whoever loses a friend loses much more; whoever loses self-confidence loses everything.
Eleanor Anne Roosevelt

If I have lost faith in myself, I have the universe against me.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Belief in yourself is one of the most important building blocks of any successful business.
Lydia Maria Child

That you believe in yourself when a hundred people don't believe it is much more important than the fact that a hundred people believe in you as much as you don't.
Mark Fisher

If you don't believe in yourself, who will believe it?
Kobe Bryant

You can have what you want simply if you are willing to free yourself from the belief that you cannot.
Harold Robbins

The three most important words you can say to yourself: “Yes, I can!”.
Denis Waitley

Until you appreciate yourself, you don't value your time. Until you value your time, you won't do anything with it.
M. Scott Peck

Remove the "not" from the phrase "I can't".
Samuel Johnson

Believe in yourself. Create the kind of person that you will be happy to live your entire life.
Golda Meir

Aphorisms on the judgment of others

The judgment of others tends to condition us at every stage of our life. However, it is important to learn to give it the right weight, that is not to be constantly checked or feared by the opinion of others. Let's discover the phrases of the great authors about it.

As long as you look to others to prove who you are and seek their approval, you are setting your life in a disastrous way. You have to be complete on your own. Nobody can give you this. You have to know who you are. What others say is irrelevant.
Nic Sheff

Learn to like yourself. What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.

Why should we care what others think of us, why should we trust their opinions more than ours?
Brigham Young

To believe in his own path, a warrior does not need to prove that the other's is wrong.
Paulo Coelho

Freeing ourselves from the expectations of others, giving back to ourselves - here lies the great, singular power of self-respect.
Joan Didion

Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure you're not just surrounded by assholes.
William Gibson

You will always meet people who will try to belittle your successes. Try not to be the first to do it.
Michael Crichton

We can get the approval of others, if we do well and commit ourselves to the goal; but our own approval is worth a thousand times more.
Mark Twain

Don't worry if others don't like you. Worry if you don't appreciate yourself.

Phrases about being yourself

It is often thought that it is better to change or hide one's inner self in order to conform to others. Nothing could be more wrong: being yourself makes us special and unique in the world and our greatest strength. Here are the most beautiful quotes on this issue.

The worst loneliness is not feeling good about yourself.
Mark Twain

The main task in everyone's life is to give birth to himself.
Erich Fromm

Accept yourself as you are in this moment; an imperfect, changeable, growing and respectable person.
Denis Waitley

First, tell yourself who you want to be; then he does everything accordingly.

When you are happy to just be yourself and you don't compare and compete, everyone will respect you.
Lao Tzu

Always be the best version of yourself and not someone else's bad copy.
Judy Garland

Dare to become who you are. And don't get disarmed easily. There are wonderful opportunities in every being. Convince yourself of your strength and your youth. He keeps repeating incessantly: “It is only up to me”.
André Gide

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.
Marilyn Monroe

The best quotes to boost self-esteem

How much can the right sentence said at the right time help? In this section we have collected the best motivational aphorisms to regain self-esteem and self-confidence!

For once, you believed in yourself. You thought you were beautiful and so did the rest of the world.
Sarah Dessen

All the powers of the universe are already within you. It is you who have covered your eyes with your hands. You complain that it is dark. Be aware that there is no darkness around you. Remove your hands from your eyes and the light will appear, which has been there for an eternity.
Swami Vivekananda

When I grow up I want to be just like me.
From the series The Simpsons

Whatever flower you are, when your time comes, you will blossom.
Daisaku Ikeda

Every winner I've ever met says, "My life changed when I started believing in myself."
Robert Harold Schuller

You are at the center of all your relationships, so you are responsible for self-esteem, growth, happiness and fulfillment. Do not expect the other to give you these things. You must live as if you are alone and others are gifts that are offered to you to help enrich your life.
Leo Buscaglia

You yourself, like anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

No one can force you to feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Phrases about self-esteem