Quotes about dogs: the most beautiful quotes about man's best friend

From the movie Me & Marley to the moving story of Hachiko: the dog's fidelity and its incredible relationship with man have been told over the centuries, through different forms. Each story has been able to show how the fact that the dog is man's best friend does not constitute a "legend" or a mere hearsay: the friendship that is created between these animals and human beings is unique and special.

The loyalty, fidelity and unconditional love of dogs towards their two-legged "companion" have become the subject of numerous texts and phrases by famous authors. We have collected the most touching aphorisms and the most irreverent quotes that fully reconstruct the wonderful friendship between dog and man.

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Aphorisms about the unconditional love of dogs

Let's start with the most famous phrases that tell the unique love and unconditional loyalty of dogs to human beings. Who can ever equal the joy of a flutter of the tail?

Dogs love friends and bite enemies, unlike men, who are incapable of pure love and must always mix love and hate in their relationships with the object.
Sigmund Freud

Gratitude is a dog disease that cannot be transmitted to humans.
Antoine Bernheim

Let the dog in covered in mud, you can wash the dog and you can wash the mud .. But those who do not like neither the dog nor the mud .. those who do not, cannot be washed.
Jacques Prevert

The dog is the only being in the world who loves you more than he loves himself.
Josh Billings

We are alone, absolutely alone on this fortuitous planet; and among all the forms of life that surround us not one, except the dog, has made an alliance with us.
Maurice Maeterlinck

Meticulously trained, man can become a dog's best friend.
Corey Ford

The dog has only one purpose in life: to give his heart.
Joe Randolph Ackerley

If you have a dog, you have a friend and the poorer you become, the better that friend will be.
Will Rogers

Dogs have never bitten me. Unlike humans.
Marilyn Monroe

A man can offer you a cordial greeting, Or send you to hell. But when a dog wags its tail, you know it loves you forever.

A dog does nothing with expensive cars, big houses, or clothes stopped. A rotten stick is enough for him. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, bright or clumsy, smart or stupid. If you give him your heart, he will give you his. How many people can the same be said? How many people can make you feel unique, pure, special? How many people can make you feel… extraordinary?
From the movie Me & Marley

A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have it in your life, things aren't going to be that bad.
Robert Wagner

Anyone who hasn't had a dog doesn't know what it means to be loved.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The most beautiful quotes about dogs and their life

The affection of a dog accompanies us for much longer than its years of life. When our puppy leaves us, an unbridgeable void remains. It will go on in everyday life, but its memory and that of the happy moments spent together are indelible in the anyone's memory.

The dog is an eternal Peter Pan, he never gets old, so he is always available to love and be loved.
Aaron Katcher

They say that animals don't have souls ... well, I don't believe it. If having a soul means being able to feel love, fidelity and gratitude, then animals are better than many human beings.
J. Herriot

At times I have wondered why the life of dogs is so short and I am convinced that this is a form of compassion towards the human race; because if we suffer so much when we have to part with a dog, after having lived with him for ten or twelve years, what would happen if we lived with him twice as long?
Walter Scott

Dog life is too short. This is their only real fault.
Agnes Sligh Turnbull

The best phrases about the intelligence and loyalty of dogs

Intelligence and fidelity are two characteristics that have always been associated with dogs. Here are the most beautiful aphorisms that tell them.

Dogs need to smell the ground: it is their way of keeping up to date with current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of last-minute dog news, which, if they are particularly urgent, continue to the next ground.
Dave Barry

Dogs don't lie about how they feel, because they can't lie about emotions. No one has ever seen a sad dog pretending to be happy.
Jeffrey Masson

The dog's smile is in the tail.
Victor Hugo

There is no loyalty that does not betray at least once, except that of a dog.
Konrad Lorenz

A dog can express more with his tail in a minute than his master with his tongue in hours.

Dogs are better than humans because they know, but they don't speak.
Emily Dickinson

The most beautiful quotes on the relationship between men and dogs

The inimitable friendship between man and dog has been narrated and is still witnessed today in many ways. We have collected the most moving phrases that show it.

The only place in the world where you can meet a man worthy of the name is the gaze of a dog.
Romain Gary

One enters Paradise for favoritism. If you were to enter by merit, you would remain outside and your dog would enter in your place.
Mark Twain

It is the ancient friendship, the joy of being a dog and of being a man transformed into a single animal that walks moving six legs and a tail soaked in dew.
Pablo Neruda

I would like to know the music that my dog's tail beats the measure of.
Yvan Audouard

Happiness is a warm puppy.
Charles M. Schulz

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they go.
Will Rogers

Do you want a friend in this city? Get a dog!
Harry S. Truman

For the dog, man represents what God should be.
Holbrook Jakson

When there is a dog in your life, there is always a reason to laugh.

Nobody knows how to appreciate the extraordinary nature of your conversation like a dog.
Christopher Morley

The choice of the owner by a good dog is a magnificent and mysterious phenomenon. With surprising speed, often in just a few days, a bond is established that is by far the most solid of all ...
Konrad Lorenz

A man's religion is not worth much unless his dog and cat also benefit from it.
Abraham Lincoln

The dog is the sixth sense of man.
Friedrich Hebbel

The dog makes a single request to the whole human race: love me.
Helen Exley

The most shrewd and irreverent phrases about dogs

To conclude, here are the funniest and most ironic aphorisms about dogs and their relationship with humans. The ingenuity and sweetness of our four-legged friends are combined with quotes where their superiority over man is shown with sarcasm.

My dog ​​as a dog is a disaster, but as a person he is irreplaceable.
Johannes Rau

Dogs have only one flaw: they believe men.
Elian J. Finbert

If you look at a dog and don't immediately feel affection, you must be a cat.

Seeing certain monuments on which dogs do their business, one can believe that dogs are true aesthetes.
Jules Renard

You can say any nonsense to a dog, and he'll give you back a look that says, “My God, you're right! I would never have gotten there ”.
Dave Barry

Every dog ​​should have a man. Nothing can equal having a well-behaved person next to him who spreads the blanket for the dog for the night, or hands him dinner when he comes home as tired as a man.
Corey Ford

Leads a dog's life, people say crying. But why? Do all day exactly what you want to do; sleep before each meal and after. People should know!
A.P. Herbert

Scratch a dog on the belly and you will find a steady job.
Franklin P. Jones

The more I know men, the more I love dogs.
Madame de Sévigné

The great joy of having a dog is being able to be an idiot in front of him: not only will he not scold you, but he too will do the same.
Samuel Butler

One thinks he takes the dog out to pee at midday and in the evening. Big mistake: they are the dogs that invite us to meditation twice a day.
Daniel Pennac

The more I know about men, the more I find myself loving dogs.
Charles de Gaulle

Phrases about dogs