Facebook increasingly causes divorces

This is confirmed by Gian Ettore Gassani, national president of the "Association of Italian marriage lawyers, Ami, as well as author of an essay entitled The perplexed spouses: “In Italy at least 20% of marital crises that come to court are caused by Facebook (80% of the total) and Twitter (20%). This is a phenomenon denounced last year by the US marriage association and confirmed by "Ami. The infidelities concern couples of all ages, even those who have been married for thirty" years or more. Facebook is virtual only at the "beginning of the relationship, but it is then an opportunity for real encounters. 70% of them turn into an escapade, while 30% become a lasting relationship".

The discovery of "clandestine" relationships is now facilitated by the marketing of software that can trace the password of one's "sweetheart" registered on Facebook or Twitter. Definitely a big problem for those who are "allergic" to fidelity.

To find out more, visit the website www.ami-avvocati.it

Tags:  Women-Of-Today Marriage Fashion