Emma changes her look. Crisis with Bocci?

Change of look for the singer. Emma Marrone decided to give a wind of novelty to her image and opted for bangs, as she herself stated on Facebook. "I love to change and face a new me every day", this is what the Apulian interpreter writes on the social network most loved by VIPs, commenting on some photos that portray her with the new hairstyle.

It seems, however, that this change is accompanied by a certain instability in private life. In fact, it seems that the singer of Heat is in crisis with his current partner, the interpreter of Antimafia squad, Marco Bocci. According to some sources close to the actor, the story is about to end. Bocci has in fact confided: “We are running out, now it's over.” Will it really be true or is it just the usual unfounded rumors? We just have to wait for the next rumors.

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