24 uncomfortable questions children ask that parents can't answer

Let's face it, how many times have we been put in crisis by the uncomfortable and complicated questions of a child of a few years? Faced with that disarming curiosity and naivety it is really difficult to juggle with skill, and above all with the right words. From scientific questions, to existential questions that not even Plato and Socrates have ever been able to answer, to the burning issues of procreation. In short, here are some uncomfortable little questions that our children are used to pigs and to which we do not know how to counter.

We thought we would suggest some answers below. Try to take a look.

1. What is electricity made of?

Here is one of the typical scientific questions that put even the most experienced parents in crisis. In short, we are sure that your first thought upon "hearing these uncomfortable words would be:"Mmm, if only I'd been paying attention in first grade ", or: "But with all the games you can play, did this very scientific interest have flashed in your head?". But give up, you will have to find a satisfactory answer for your curious interlocutor. So, unless you are a physics professor, you will be struggling with some bizarre theory or - blessed be the internet - you will quickly search the net for some ideas.

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2. When did the dinosaurs become extinct?

Here is a million dollar question that fascinates many children. Well, we know that no one in front of this question would be able to answer precisely, unless they are a primary school history teacher and have a subsidiary under their eyes. So, do not worry: use some mind-boggling figures that are around 200 million years ago and we are sure you will be able to get away with it. Unless you want to review some geological era of the past ...

3. Where do thoughts come from?

Here is another "one. And don't try to answer with a simple" from the brain ", because our little men will begin to deepen the question with even more specific questions that lead to the philosophical-existential sphere:" How are they created? " do we think? ". So dear parents, even in this case, you will have to work hard.

4. Why am I / am I not left handed?

Genes, child, genes. Don't worry, you will learn everything in school.

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5. How do planes stay in the air?

Ok, this is also one of those more specific questions that can send even Top Gun into crisis. Don't worry, talk about thrust, engine, propellers, strength and endurance. In short, unless you are an aerospace engineer, we are sure that you will need to read up a little. Yes, even to talk to your child.

6. What is the rainbow?

Here, dear parents, we must not be caught unprepared, because this is a subject much loved by children. Here are some tips, in case you don't know: the rainbow is caused by the refraction of light; that is, whenever it rains, drops of water refract and scatter the light in the atmosphere. Now show off your knowledge!

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7. Why doesn't the sky fall on us?

At this point, you are probably cursing yourself for buying Chicken Little to your child as he doesn't stop wondering how the sky doesn't fall. Maybe better show him In search of the Enchanted Valley, but wait! then it will start asking you about dinosaurs. Damn, it doesn't come out.

8. How was I born?

Here, now we are entering even more dangerous terrain. Perhaps it is still a little too early to explain the act of procreation from a scientific point of view. So, unfortunately, you will have to come up with one of those stories that are usually told to the little ones on the subject, waiting for your child's teacher to deal with the matter.

9. Why do those men (or women) hold hands?

In reality this is a very simple question that admits one and only one answer: why they love each other. Do not waste time finding justifications or abstruse considerations, we are talking about love, and only that.

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10. What is this for?

And if the object in question is a box of condoms found in the bathroom, then it becomes even more complicated. Don't worry, it's still too early to explain the matter properly, so just say a few evasive words and answer that you will understand better. when it gets bigger.

11. Why are you and dad breaking up?

Ouch, this is a decidedly unpleasant question, one that will most likely break your heart. Don't worry, don't feel guilty, respond sincerely, showing your unconditional love for your baby.

12. What is a virgin?

Uhhhh, next question, please.

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13. What is dad doing to mom?

Let's face it, being caught in intimate attitudes by your child is a very embarrassing thing. So, try to avoid it. If you ever come across this little tragedy, try to stay calm and come up with plausible answers. Best wishes!

14. What is sex?

This may seem an unpleasant question to you, complex and embarrassing. In fact, it is good that you are the first to discuss the matter with him, before the schoolmates and friends think about it, risking that the situation will degenerate. Speak honestly, but don't overdo it, stay a little vague. Then over time the information will expand and your child will be able to understand it more.

15. Why does dad's handwriting look like Santa's?

Ouch, get caught! Perhaps you have a little underestimated the cunning of your child, who instead seems to have the nose of a real detective. Try, if you can, to recover, making some credible excuses. If not, patience. Sooner or later he should have known. Of course, a revelation on your part would have been more dignified, but all in all, there are far more serious things.

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16. Where do people go when they die?

In reality this is a universal question, which we could ask ourselves, and which we adults too. One of the great themes of existence, which also touches upon metaphysical and religious questions. Well, in short, a simple "Paradise" might be enough for now.

17. Was it my fault?

Unless your child has intentionally misbehaved, never blame him that he does not have. He may suffer psychologically and harbor unnecessary negative feelings. Just reassure him and let him feel your affection.

18. Are there aliens?

Here there is a lot of fun. There are adults who are firmly convinced of the existence of UFOs, do you want a child of a few years not to ask himself constantly? Well, that's just a symptom of curiosity. Let him believe what he prefers, showing himself open to diversity and questions he does not know. Over time he will have time to understand, study and investigate. In the meantime, some science fiction movie will fuel his imagination, which is only good for your child and his growth.

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19. Who is the monster in my closet?

Well, who has never imagined monsters and scary figures in the dark as a child? Don't worry, everything is normal. Just reassure your child and show him that in the closet there are only clothes and a big mess, but no unwanted presence!

20. Does God Exist?

The most illustrious thinkers and philosophers of the past have not succeeded, you will certainly not think of making it in a simple chat with your child ... even in this case, no performance anxiety: we are talking about one of the thorniest existential issues. Respond according to your beliefs and with a minimum of responsibility, the important thing is that you leave other possibilities open and do not impose yours as the only truth possible. It is the basis of tolerance.

21. Why do we exist?

See above. It is "another of the long-standing existential questions that are difficult to resolve.

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22. Why does God allow men to die?

Uh, here we go again. In fact it is a plausible question, which denotes a certain sensitivity. How many of us, after all, do not ask ourselves? Well, in these cases everyone can express their most intimate opinion, which comes from lived experiences, beliefs, convictions. Remember, however, that you are talking to a child of a few years, do not overdo it! A few reassuring words is always the best solution.

23. Can you stay with us for dinner? (speaking of an invisible friend)

A classic. And the answer is no! You are not on the set of Paranormal Activitythen, explain to your child that there is no friend and that you will be pleased to invite a real friend of his for dinner.

24. Does Santa Claus really exist?

Of course you have to answer yes! Only if the child is growing up or has practically discovered everything, will you be able to reveal the sad truth. If not, let him dream as much as possible.

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