The macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet is based on an oriental current of thought, according to which the health of an individual depends on the balance of two opposing vital forces, Yin and Yang. When these are balanced, the body (body and mind) is in full well-being. The most suitable foods for this balance are whole grains, legumes, fresh cooked and raw vegetables and seasonal fruit; the others are distinguished in Yang-alkaline foods, which contain more sodium, (salt, white meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and Yin-acid foods, rich in potassium (fruit, tea, spices, etc.).

Kokoh is part of the cereals, that is a mixture of flours from cereals enriched with sesame and soy and the Arrowroot, a type of starch. Among the fats, Tahin (butter made from sesame), Gomasio (whole sea salt + sesame) and extra virgin olive oil can be used. Among the legumes there is Azuki (red soy bean). Seaweed is also widely used because it is rich in vitamins and mineral salts, including Iziki, which is consumed with Tamari (soy sauce) and then Kombu, Wakame and Dulse (aromatic and spicy).

Each meal must be composed as follows: 50% of whole grains in grains, 20-30% of cooked and raw seasonal vegetables (no mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines and peppers), 10-20% of white meat or fish (no every day), legumes, soy croquettes, 10% to be divided between fresh seasonal fruit, dried fruit, seaweed, desserts without sugar or dairy products.

See also

Macrobiotic diet: what is it and how does it work?

The low-calorie diet: pros and cons of the weight loss diet par excellence

Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

It is important to chew foods for a long time to appreciate them and get a good digestion; consume a lot of water, green tea and coffee substitutes (barley). Yes to wine, no to spirits. Steaming or baking is preferred. If foods require sugar, it must be cane sugar, maple syrup or rice. Instead of cheese, choose tofu (soy cheese), instead of soy milk you can take rice milk in moderation.

We prefer to keep food in glass, pyrex and terracotta containers. To cook, use stainless steel, cast iron and enameled iron. Avoid non-stick pans. The use of microwaves and aluminum or copper containers is not recommended.

Macrobiotics is also used for the treatment of various diseases, it is recommended for eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia; it is excellent for those who want to reduce cholesterol or eliminate toxins.

See also:
Lose weight without effort
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One day Light: on a diet 1 day out of 7
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