Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

The detox diet, or detoxifying, is often called into question when it comes to short diets, if not lightning, that is diets to be done in three days, or a week, for different needs. In fact, in many cases the detox diet is a specific diet to be followed to detoxify the liver, or improve the health of the skin. In most cases, however, the detox diet is the one to use, with the hope that it will be effective, when you want to purify and lighten yourself after long periods of celebration and a diet too rich in fat and sugar, such as Christmas. , or Easter. It can therefore be said that the detox diet is more devoted to detoxification, although a certain slimming effect is often obtained. The reason? The typical foods of this diet, even if short, lead to a reduction in fat mass as elements such as meat, sweets and fried foods are completely eliminated.

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What does the detox diet consist of?

Going more specifically, it is first of all necessary to remove some doubts: the detox diet is not made up only of centrifuged and soft drinks, even if one way to follow this diet even briefly is to put together the various elements that make it up in a smoothie. The detox is a procedure that starts from a fundamental premise: to eliminate toxins from the body, especially after particular periods. The aim is therefore to purify the body of exogenous toxins, which come from outside, created by stress, pollution, pharmacological treatments and wrong diets, by taking foods rich in elements that help detoxify the body and do "cleansing". It is important to do so. therefore consume foods that are rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and cell aging, fiber, which aid digestion, minerals and vitamins.

Foods to avoid

To avoid, however, at least in the first period of detoxification, fats, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars, which are the enemy elements of the body's well-being. A detox diet therefore completely excludes meat, fried food, pasta, bread and cheese. It is also for this imbalance that the detox diet is not an advisable diet in the long term, it is rather a quick treatment, or an indicator of good eating habits to be taken even when you eat normally, without giving up anything. If you are interested in a diet that is mostly based on fruits and vegetables, the alkaline diet could be for you.

So let's see specifically which are the most suitable detoxifying foods, what their virtues are, so you will know what to introduce into your daily diet even if you do not follow any particular diet.

The most suitable detoxifying foods for detoxing

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

To purify the body, freeing it from waste and toxins, antioxidants are your best ally: they fight free radicals and you find them especially in foods such as fruit and vegetables. Especially in pomegranate, blueberries, avocado, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, vegetables such as beetroot, carrots, peppers, yellow squash, red cabbage. In addition to antioxidants, a very important element is vitamin C, which helps to cleanse the body: it is obviously found in oranges, lemons, and papaya. which contains a prodigious amount of this vitamin, and also aids digestion. Pineapple is also very rich in vitamin C, and also has a diuretic effect that helps eliminate toxins. To help intestinal transit, then, fibers are recommended, contained in cereals, vegetables and vegetables (especially fennel indicated), in fruits such as avocado and even in flax seeds. The latter, for example, you can use in added to salads, introducing a new element that also acts as a garnish.As you can see, many of these foods are indicated to accelerate the metabolism, obtaining as an effect also a moderate weight loss.

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The foods (which you do not expect) to use in the diet

In addition to the foods suggested above, there are other natural elements to be used in quantity in a complete and effective detox diet. Sometimes these are things you don't expect, others are real curiosities, which are good to know. The first obvious thing to do to purify yourself is to drink lots of water, which helps diuresis and the drainage of waste and toxins. That said, another main liquid in your diet must be white tea, or alternatively green tea: they are rich in antioxidants and keep cholesterol low. Red beets are perhaps the symbolic food of detox: rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc and iron, they help the liver to eliminate toxins and are also suitable for the centrifuged typical of this diet.

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Maybe not many people will like it, but also garlic, as we know, is an excellent food: it helps eliminate toxins, keeps cholesterol down and is an excellent regulator of blood pressure. In short, it performs many functions and is eaten raw, even in small quantities, perhaps in a salad, it could help you in your detox! To aid digestion, fight nausea, and prevent infections, ginger is another great ally. Today, thanks to ethnic cuisines, many imaginative uses have been discovered, although often the ideal would be to take a piece raw, immediately after meals, to facilitate digestion thanks to its deflating effect. It is therefore not only the ideal. for detox, but also to have a flat stomach.

Also discover the ideal foods for a flat stomach!

See also: Foods for a flat stomach: 30 valuable foods

© iStock Foods for a flat stomach: 30 valuable foods

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