10 reasons why you should make love more often

In addition to being a great way to release tension (and also to reduce headaches), the more common "sport under the sheets" has many other reasons why it should be done more often. We propose some of them below!

But first, here are some secrets to better sex!

  1. · 1. It is a great way to burn calories
  2. · 2. It makes you stronger
  3. · 3. It makes you happy
  4. · 4. Strengthen your immune system
  5. · 5. Helps you sleep better
  6. · 6. Your skin will appear brighter
  7. · 7. Reduces the risk of heart attacks
  8. · 8. Increase intimacy with your partner
  9. · 9. It makes you smarter
  10. · 10. It is beautiful

1. It's a great way to burn calories

Did you know that 30 minutes of sex can burn up to 200 calories? Of course it depends on how passionate and hectic the "session" is, but do you want to put the pleasure of a night on fire rather than half an hour on the treadmill?

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2. It makes you stronger

Having sex will cause you to release endorphins which have a wonderful effect on your physical well-being. Do you know that it can relieve menstrual pains, headaches and many other physical pains? Ah if all this were not enough, also know that the release of oxytocins can increase your pain tolerance by 50%. Not bad, right?

3. It makes you happy

Attention, here we are not talking only about sex, but about pleasure, or the much talked about orgasm. If you are particularly stressed, anxious or sad, taking a few minutes to enjoy yourself can help. In fact, the body releases dopamine and seratonin, which are the same agents contained within the pills given to women for depression or anxiety attacks. And what's more, it is a remedy that costs nothing!

4. Strengthen your immune system

Those who make love at least once or twice a week have 30% higher antibody levels than those who never do. Well, it's a great way to ward off colds and seasonal ailments ...

5. Helps you sleep better

After reaching orgasm, the body releases a hormone, believed to be responsible for the sensations of relaxation and sleepiness ... is that why a good chunk of men collapses immediately afterwards?

6. Your skin will appear brighter

By strengthening the immune system and making us (literally) sweat the toxins, the skin will be brighter, fresher and more rested. Even if maybe some dark circles could remain, after a night marathon ....

7. Reduces the risk of heart attacks

Well yes. Having sex regularly helps make your heart stronger. And who would have thought that?

8. Increase intimacy with your partner

What we tell you to do. Sharing such an intense moment and at the same time in which you feel particularly vulnerable, can only increase the sense of intimacy felt in the couple.

9. It makes you smarter

Or rather, it reduces the possibility of memory loss. At least, it seems so, even if the studies are quite recent. The sure thing is that it reduces stress.And stress often causes our brain functions to decrease. It therefore goes without saying that this theory could actually be true ...

10. It's beautiful

Because let's face it, making love, especially if there is an emotional and / or physical affinity with the other person, is really fun, satisfying (at least hopefully, for both) and pleasant.

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