Decluttering: what to eliminate based on the zodiac sign

Spring is approaching and with it the time to do some great cleaning and decluttering.
Whether it's a wardrobe change or tidying up our lives, spring is the time for balance sheets and changes. And since it is always difficult to start a detox process, let's start with the advice of the stars! Here's what to get rid of during your next spring cleaning, based on your zodiac sign.
But first, let's take a trip into the world of each sign:

Fire signs: throw away some pressure

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are always competing when it comes to being number one.
Training, self-care, home care and competition at work. Well done! But during cleaning, make room for relaxation, cheats, laziness! Take it easy, have a nice ice cream and take an extra break at the office. It will do you good!

See also

Cancer: here are all the characteristics and mysteries of the zodiac sign

Sagittarius: the couple affinities of this zodiac sign

Gemini: everything there is to know about this zodiac sign!

Earth signs: make room for pampering

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, rigor is everything for you. You are serious at work, caring in family and wise in love. Throw away a few rules and free a drawer for softness and cuddles. Everyone knows that you are close friends and faithful lovers, but indulging in fuss will bind you in a deeper way to loved ones.

Segni d "aria: it's time to tidy up!

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, whimsical, aesthetic and very messy.
You need to prioritize and the best way to start is to just sort them out!
Open the closet, avoiding being submerged by a ball of clothes and put everything in order by type and color. And for those who love shopping and have really too many clothes, keep only the colors of your palette according to the rules of the color scheme. !

Water signs: away the unpleasant memories

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, romantic and sensitive, are the signs that they are unable to definitively abandon the past and this leads them to accumulate negative emotions (and useless junk like the receipts of the first dates with the partner). Eliminate anything that makes you think of something sad or causes you a fit of melancholy.

Tags:  Actuality Old-Luxury Star