Solar erythema: what it is, how it manifests itself and what are the remedies

Solar erythema is a sunburn or burn due to "excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun and UV (ultraviolet) rays, in the absence of" adequate or sufficient sun protection. The symptoms of erythema usually appear 6-12 hours after exposure to the sun and this sunburn, a real first or second degree burn, occurs in different forms. Redness of the skin, blisters, blisters, extreme sensitivity to touch, itching, peeling and dry skin (xerosis) are the main symptoms of sunburn, which is a slightly more severe reaction. of the simple sunburn.

What does sunburn depend on?

Solar erythema and its extent and probability also depend on the phototype to which anyone of us belongs and the dose of UV rays absorbed. The phototype is the dermatological classification that divides people according to the amount of melanin present in the skin. there are 6 different phototypes ranging from 1, which includes those with milky and very light skin, to phototype 6 of those with black skin. Obviously, the amount of UV rays absorbed will also affect a possible skin reaction, but usually phototype 1 is the most exposed to this type of risk. This is not to say that people of different skin types do not have to protect themselves adequately by preparing their skin for the sun before getting a tan.

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Prepare your skin for the sun with the DIY clay mask to avoid sunburn

An effective way to avoid sunburn, in addition to the use of valid creams with medium-high protection, is to prepare the skin for exposure to the sun. How? One of the best methods is a DIY organic clay mask for purifying the skin, hydrating it, eliminating dead cells and thus preparing it for impact with the sun, thus facilitating a faster and more uniform tan. Here is explained in detail all the steps to take to make a perfect DIY organic clay mask!

Remedies for erythema

Before moving on to the remedies against erythema, let's say immediately that this disorder tends to heal spontaneously in 4 or 5 days, during which one must avoid sunbathing. The bad news is that in the long run, erythema increases the risk of skin spots, skin cancer (melanoma) and photoaging, ie the premature aging of the skin too exposed to the sun, which immediately presents wrinkles and general dryness. And here we are finally with the remedies against sunburn:

  • Taking a pain reliever can relieve persistent burning
  • Try natural remedies by applying calming compresses made from chamomile, cucumber, melon, yogurt, running water directly to the skin
  • Consult a doctor in case of particularly extensive sunburn and in the presence of inflammatory processes
  • Take a cold shower or apply an ice pack to the affected area
  • Moisturize reddened skin with specific lotions, milks or creams. For added relief, you can also chill the product in the refrigerator before applying
  • Choose a diet rich in foods with beta-carotene and vitamin E, which help regenerate the skin and stimulate the production of melanin. For beta-carotene, choose carrots, apricots, melon, tomatoes, which are also the most suitable foods for tanning, while for vitamin E it may be useful to help yourself with spinach, asparagus, chickpeas, berries and especially avocado, very rich in properties and benefits also as regards tanning

Here are the most suitable foods to tan in a healthy and protected way

See also: What to eat for tanning: all foods that stimulate tanning

© iStock What to eat to get a tan: all foods that stimulate a tan!

What not to do in case of sunburn

For a faster recovery, that is, to actually be able to make the erythema disappear in 4 or 5 days, it is necessary to observe some rules of behavior. Here they are:

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun in the days following the onset of sunburn
  • Don't scratch. Even if the itching is annoying, it is important to resist rubbing the skin reddened by the erythema, this behavior could worsen the inflammation.
  • Do not break any blisters that have formed on the skin. It would increase the risk of infection
  • Do not dry the skin with coarse sponge cloths, which can aggravate the redness. After showering, it is advisable to pat damp skin gently.
  • Avoid skin peels and scrubs
  • Do not undergo sessions of tanning lamps in the days following the onset of erythema

Once healed, it is essential to expose yourself to the sun again gradually, avoiding the hottest hours (12-16) and protecting yourself adequately. It is a good rule to always observe, not only after a traumatic event of the skin such as burns or rashes. It is understandable that in the summer you become anxious to get a tan, but it is possible to tan quickly and keep your tan doing it safely, without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks. As for sunbathing during pregnancy, however, the rules become a little more rigid, but there is no prohibition on sunbathing.

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Solar erythema in children: what remedies?

Children are more easily exposed to the risk of erythema given the particular delicacy of their skin, whatever their phototype. The little ones already produce melanin, but this responds less than in adults to sun exposure, so greater protection should be used. In the case of very young children, it is important first of all to take precautions to avoid burns or erythema, such as exposing them to the sun. in the morning until 11 am and only after 4 pm, or keep them covered and protected with hats and damp cloths. It goes without saying that they should then be protected with sunscreen with a protection factor of 50 (or even higher). typical reactions of solar erythema, it is important not to expose it to the sun until it is fully healed, moisturizing the skin with a delicate after-sun product dedicated to children. Do-it-yourself remedies, however, must be accompanied by the doctor's advice in the most serious cases, to prevent the worst erythema: only on the advice of the pediatrician, you can switch to a cortisone cream, which reduces the burn. This happens only if the child presents bubbles or blisters on the part scalded. When washing the baby, you must then prefer warm water rather than hot, using a specific emollient cleanser instead of the shower gels that are normally kept at home.

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