What to eat after a workout: the best post workout foods

Training at home or in the gym, going out for a run or doing any other type of sport: physical activity is good for both our body and mind. It helps us stay fit, feel better about ourselves and relieve stress accumulated during the day or the working week. However, to be in good health it is not enough to give the right time to fitness. In fact, before and after each workout, you have to pay attention to nutrition, choosing the correct foods.

Today we will see in detail what to eat after a workout, with foods high in carbohydrates and proteins that allow us to recover energy and feel satisfied.

The importance of nutrition in the workout

To be able to train in the best possible way, a correct and healthy diet is essential. In fact, during a session of physical activity, we need the right amount of energy that is provided directly by the foods we consume during the various meals. When doing sport, our body burns the three essential macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats, thus obtaining the energy necessary to make the effort we ask it to make.

However, the foods to be consumed vary according to the training we intend to carry out. For example, a cardio workout, or a cardiovascular workout where the cardiorespiratory system is subjected to training stimuli, essentially burns the glycogen present in the blood and in the muscles. The latter is introduced into the body mainly through carbohydrates, which, therefore, will be the preferred nutrients for these athletes. Those who, on the other hand, want to concentrate on strength will need proteins, which strengthen the muscles and avoid injuries even to the tendons.

See also

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Do you have to eat before training?

Pre workout meal yes or no? This is a question that is often asked, especially by those approaching a sport for the first time. First of all, it is advisable to never eat close to a workout: a full meal shortly before a fitness session weighs down and limits athletic performance. Much better to consume a rich breakfast or a full lunch at least 2 or 3 hours before the workout, so as to assimilate the necessary energy without having a sense of heaviness. If desired, experts recommend eating a snack, such as an energy bar or an apple, about 10 minutes before training.

The best foods in terms of carbohydrates with a good glycemic index to consume before playing sports are bananas, rice, oat flakes, quinoa, bread, potatoes and pasta. To introduce proteins into the body, however, the foods to keep in consideration are eggs, peanut butter and Greek yogurt.

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Recommended post workout foods

Now let's move on to what you should eat after the workout. Foods to be consumed post workout in the gym, at home or in the open air are as fundamental as those pre-sports session because they allow muscle recovery, rehydration of the body and a new introduction of energy. It is usually recommended that you consume protein-rich foods to repair your muscles after an intense workout, but again, it is important not to overdo it as too much protein would be stored in the body as fat.

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Especially when you finish a cardio workout, be it the treadmill at the gym, aerobic exercises at home or a run in the outdoors, the first nutrients to take are carbohydrates. Their quantity varies from person to person and from the type and intensity of the workout performed, but the consumption of medium-high glycemic index carbohydrates is usually recommended, which replenish the glycogen reserves reduced during the workout. physical activity. Let's see a list of foods to take into consideration:

  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Rusks with honey or jam
  • Oats
  • Banana
  • Beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Potatoes, preferably sweet
  • Spinach

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As we have already mentioned, proteins are also very important and must be wisely combined with carbohydrates after a cardio workout, while they must be preferred after a strength workout because they allow muscle recovery and repair of muscles and tendons. As with the other nutrients, the amount of protein to be consumed varies depending on the person and the type of workout that took place, but the most recommended foods to eat are these:

  • Egg
  • Lean cheeses
  • Yogurt, preferably Greek because it is rich in calcium
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Milk, also vegetable

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Healthy fats

Particularly when you are on a diet, the word "fat" is scary, as if it were some kind of enemy with respect to losing weight or staying fit. In fact, fats are fundamental nutrients for our body and, as we have seen, burned together with carbohydrates and proteins, they give the body the energy it needs to carry out the workout. For these reasons, reintroducing them post workout is very important and these are the foods that contain a good amount of healthy fats:

  • Avocado
  • Oil seeds, especially chia seeds, very nutritious and rich in Omega 3
  • Walnuts
  • Peanut butter

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Vitamins and minerals

Finally, by burning energy and sweating, mineral salts and water are also expelled, which must be reintroduced once the workout is finished. In this sense, fruits and vegetables are our best allies: they are natural sources of energy thanks to the fibers and vitamins they contain. In addition, they are easy to digest and can therefore be eaten as a snack shortly after the workout in various ways: raw, cooked or in the form of smoothies or juices.

  • Apples
  • Kiwi
  • Red fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Cabbage

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