Coronavirus: why do we have difficulty staying at home?

The lockdown continues in Italy at least until April 13, Easter Monday.
It is not certain that after that date we will return immediately to go out and resume our normal rhythms and this, we must admit, saddens us a little ".
The more time passes, the more difficult it becomes to stay at home all day. The days lengthen and heat up, and the hands move slowly. Considering that during our "normal" life we ​​never have time to enjoy our nest (often complaining about it) why do we now have so much difficulty staying at home? Yet contacts with the outside world are not lacking:

In short, in this part of the world it is rather difficult to remain completely isolated and, however aseptic, telematic contacts are a great solution.
Most of us have a home, the fridge is always full, some affection to share the house with and an internet connection that makes it possible to be in constant contact with the rest of the world.
From information to streaming platforms to social media, it is true that staying at home is unusual for everyone but as long as we have a roof over our heads and a few good friends we are really lucky.

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The taste of the forbidden

It is "the oldest story in the world. When something is forbidden to us, in a completely selfish way, we think" what can happen if I make an exception to the rule? ". Admit it, you too have planned an" improbable escape in the middle of the quarantine. , discouraged by the fact that there are no "normal" places to reach and that the penalties for those who leave without a valid reason are very high.
But that's the point. Suddenly we have been deprived of something we could never have imagined: the freedom to leave the house whenever we want. And this has destabilized us. The sudden categorical limitation causes our mind to project itself to the moment when we can go out and since this date is not yet certain, it is easy to fantasize about hypothetical clandestine exits

How to deal with this last period at home

Many people have found several ways to pass the time. From cooking to home gymnastics.
Almost a month has passed since the closure throughout Italy and some northern regions were already at home before. Do you think about it? A month off in which many, many people did their utmost to spend their days in a productive way but they also tried to help others through advice and encouragement.
Other people, on the other hand, do not want to do much, still others would like to be more productive but still seek strength. In short, it seems that each of us has found a new routine. Keeping busy, making a smart shopping list, getting some exercise, and experimenting in the kitchen may seem like small gestures, but they actually do a great job on our mind.
Let's hold on, a little longer.

Tags:  Old-Home Old-Luxury Horoscope