7 tips to make your shopping last longer

1. Onions

Did you know that hanging onions, closed inside pantyhose, makes them last up to 8 months?
And please, potatoes and onions must NEVER stay close together, otherwise they will rot much faster than normal!

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2. Aromas

Do you have fresh flavors (oily, like thyme or rosemary or sage) but don't have to use them all right away? Create some kind of bouquet, tie it with a rubber band and hang it up (upside down) to let it dry. This way the herbs won't rot and you can use them whenever you want!

If, on the other hand, you want to go ahead and have some flavored oil at hand, you can either insert a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme or sage inside a bottle of oil, or you can opt for the frozen version, creating cubes of olive oil. herb olive to use when needed.

3. Potatoes

Did you buy a 5kg sack of potatoes and only used half of them? To prevent them from germinating, in addition to keeping them in a cool and dark place, keep them near apples: the gas produced by the latter helps to prevent this annoying inconvenience.

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4. Salad

To prevent the salad from rotting due to the humidity of the refrigerator, when you put it away and cover it with cling film or put it back in the bag, add a couple of sheets of paper towels inside, in this way your salad will remain. crunchy for longer!

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5. Ginger

Ginger has tons of benefits for your body, but if you don't use it on a daily basis, it could risk drying out and you'll end up throwing it away. One way to keep it longer is to freeze it (although clearly its properties will not be the same): it will also be easier to grate and use!

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6. Seasoned cheeses

To prevent the cut side of the cheese from drying out, just spread a knob of butter on it: it will keep longer! Another thing: the ideal is to keep the cheeses in waxed paper and not film, then inserting them inside plastic bags. In addition, the best place to keep them is the refrigerator drawers, or where the temperature is lower.

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7. Mushrooms

If you bought some mushrooms, surely they are in the classic plastic tray. The first thing to do is to transfer them to a paper bag (the ones they use in bakeries, so to speak), to prevent humidity from rotting them. If the outside temperature is too hot, keep them in the fridge, otherwise a cool room will suffice. and dry.

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