How do you fall in love? Your zodiac sign tells you!

Each zodiac sign "falls in love in a different way. C" are those who do it very quickly and act on impulse, those who need to scrutinize their choices, those who still get paranoid about every little problem ... You What sign are you? And your partner? Find out immediately with us how you fall in love based on the sign.

Meanwhile, here are the signs that show that you are really in love:

Aries: the incendiary

For "Aries" love is like a flame that sets everything on fire in an instant. If you are from Aries, you are capable of falling madly in love in no time and putting all of yourself, heart, body and brain into that love. Instinct is everything.

See also

Stones and zodiac signs: do you know the stone of your sign?

Cancer: here are all the characteristics and mysteries of the zodiac sign

What does it really mean to be a Leo?

Taurus: the turtle

Unlike Aries, Taurus needs time. They don't fall in love overnight, but they need knowledge and a gradual growth of feeling. Of course, physical attraction must not be lacking, but friendship and mutual respect are also important.

Gemini: the brain

Gemini girls fall in love with the head. Of course the physicist wants his part, but for them it is essential to feel intellectually intrigued by those in front of them. If a man knows how to pique their curiosity, then he will have them in his hand!

Cancer: the softie

A Cancer falls in love on one condition: they must feel safe and secure. The partner must give him the feeling of feeling at home by his side. A cancer girl will also fall in love quickly if she finds a partner who can make her constantly feel his presence and affection.

Leo: the warrior

If a Lion falls in love (and it happens often), the object of desire has no more escape: it must become his. The lioness will stop at nothing and will come up with more than convincing arguments to achieve her conquest. At that point she will be so generous and full of love that it will prove impossible to leave her!

Virgo: the rational

Virgo only falls in love as long as the brain gives her ok. She may have great passions from a physical point of view, but for a story to become something important she will have to carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of the relationship and only then can she conclude whether or not it is good for her.

Libra: the naive

Libra s "falls in love with everything that glitters, and that is why they are often forced to disillusion themselves with certain people who over time end up proving to be very different from how they appear. Six six of Libra t" you fall in love with ease, you let yourself be enchanted with charm and beauty.

Scorpio: the passionate

Love for Scorpio is synonymous with possession. If you fall in love, Scorpioncina, the partner becomes yours and yours alone: ​​woe to those who dare to even look at it! On the other hand, however, in the relationship you put all of yourself and you are capable of such a passion to upset the senses.

Sagittarius: the naughty

A Sagittarius who falls in love is a happy Sagittarius, and happiness for him is synonymous with fun, adventure and play. time to share magical and carefree moments with your partner.

Capricorn: the lonely one

Falling in love with Capricorn is not an everyday thing. It happens a few times in life and it must be worth it. The Capricorn girl is not afraid of loneliness, rather the opposite: she fears that the other may invade her spaces. However, when the partner breaks down this barrier, it becomes a riot of sweetness.

Aquarius: the dreamer

Aquarius does not fall in love with a real person, but with one who builds himself in his little head. In fact, he tends to idealize the other, to project beautiful romantic films in his brain, and then rarely switch to action. Fortunately. usually the partner takes care of that ...

Pisces: the paranoid

A Pisces who falls in love becomes very dangerous: it really does not take anything to get into paranoia, fear betrayal, become convinced that the partner is plotting who knows what behind him. This is because feelings are the most important thing for her. Few signs can be so romantic ...

Finally, find out what a man looks for in a woman based on the zodiac sign:

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