How to clean silver: all the remedies to make silverware shine

Silver objects immediately give elegance and refinement to any environment. And then they have a kind of magical power: the more you use them, the more beautiful they become, since silver is slightly scratched and keeps dirt away. On the contrary, if you don't use them, silver objects and cutlery end up getting covered with an ugly black patina. Eliminating it is certainly not impossible! By continuing to read, you will discover all the tricks to restore your silverware to its former glory.

And if you are passionate about cleaning silver, find out how to quickly clean your gold jewelry too!

How to clean very oxidized silver

If your silver is very oxidized, you can use one of the preparations on the market to polish without too much effort. These are liquids or pastes soaked in detergent that totally remove the black patina and polish the silver when worked with a suede cloth. But if your silver is simply dirty or even moderately oxidized, you can easily clean and polish it with some of the classic grandma remedies, which you will surely have at home, without resorting to chemicals.

Cleaning the house in a natural and ecological way is always a winning choice. Discover all the tricks for a clean and shiny home!

See also

Silver polishing: all the secrets to make silverware shine

How to clean brass: the most effective tricks

Clean the wood See also: How to clean the house in an ecological way: tips and tricks to respect the environment and save money!

© iStock How to clean the house in an ecological way

Aluminum and coarse salt

A practically foolproof grandmother's method is to clean small and medium silver objects with aluminum and coarse salt. All you need is a large glass container that you will have to completely cover with aluminum. Throw in coarse salt and the silver objects and jewelry you want to clean up. Then add a little boiling water and leave everything to soak for an hour or two. When you take the silver out of the container it will already be clean and shiny: just dry it carefully to get the best polish!

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Baking soda and lemon juice

This method is dedicated to objects of all sizes. Make a paste with baking soda and lemon juice and pour it directly on the objects to be cleaned by rubbing gently with a cotton cloth. If the silver turns green, don't be afraid! It is in fact only a reaction: it is the oxidized part that detaches from the surface. Rinse well and then dry: seeing what splendor? A soft toothbrush to be dipped in baking soda softened with lemon juice will be very useful to make silver worked with embroideries and reliefs.

The toothpaste against stains

Another decidedly homemade method is to cover the silver object with toothpaste and then rub it with a soft cloth. After this operation, rinse off any residue: together with the toothpaste you will in fact remove the black oxidation stains.

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Potato water: the remedy you don't expect

If you are a lover of natural remedies, this idea is just the one for you! Use the cooking water from the potatoes, which you will have filtered and to which you have added a tablespoon of vinegar, to clean the silverware. Dip the silver in this solution and then rub the objects with a soft, dry cloth: they will be as good as new. Just think that the grandmothers rubbed the silver cutlery directly with half a peeled potato!

Silver cutlery: take care of it

Silver crockery cutlery requires some precautions. Remember to always clean them immediately after use and dry them well because the water settling creates streaks that are difficult to give life. Any silver object can be safely washed in the dishwasher preferably with liquid detergent. After washing, however, even if the dishwasher has dried everything, rub your silver with a soft cloth to avoid halos and opacity, restoring the natural brilliance.

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How to store silver items

As we have said, the best way to preserve silver is to use it: only in this way will cleaning be quick and easy and you will not have to fight against the formation of an unsightly patina that makes them appear dull. But if you want to store silver objects, wrap them in soft cloths or sheets of tissue paper treated with silver nitrate that you will easily find in goldsmiths. A great enemy of silver is the air, so to avoid the oxidation of silver you will have to keep all objects covered. If, on the other hand, you have visible silverware, dust it once you can and wash it every week, carefully drying with a soft cloth. Also avoid contact with plastic and rubbery substances that permanently mark your silver. Are you ready to let your silver regain its brilliance?

Valuable tips for cleaning silver

If you are about to start cleaning silver, remember to use only soft cotton cloths to polish without scratching the surfaces and wear gloves so you will not cover your silverware with fingerprints. The substances with which silver must not have contact are plastic (which accelerates oxidation) and also foods such as tomatoes, fruit juice and eggs that can cause stains and correct the metal. Even the salty air of the seaside places contributes to making the silver black! It is so beautiful but it is also very delicate: if you love silver, always take care of it very carefully!

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