How to be organized at work: 10 tricks every woman needs to know

The organization has to be inside and outside at work: otherwise you will go crazy. Balance is everything: if you are really too disorganized and messy, first clear your mind and your desk.

Then follow these 10 tips.

1. The disorder paralyzes

How to focus on an excel file if you are surrounded by mugs, scattered month-old documents and gadgets from the latest trade show? The first step to real organization at work is to remove any clutter from your desk.

See also

Being zen in the office: here are 9 ways to always be calm and relaxed!

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2. Keep a calendar

You may be thinking that you don't need to keep a calendar because you have a prodigious memory.
Well, think it your way, but keeping a written to-do calendar is a great little old-school tip that always works.
From the paper calendar to the online one, the calendar is an ally of memory and organization.

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3. Stay hydrated

As trivial as it may seem, it is always good to remember that the brain does not work well if you are hungry and thirsty. It needs fuel.
Always keep a bottle of mineral water and a snack, especially a sugary one, at hand. Hunger not only causes a drop in concentration but also a bad mood: to be avoided at work!
Hydration is synonymous with happiness and efficiency.

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4. Take breaks

The break plays a fundamental role for the purpose of working productivity.
Make your eyes and head take periodic breaks throughout the day, stretch your arms and legs away from your desk to the refreshment area to grab a coffee.

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5. Make lists

Lists are ideal for organizing everything from grocery shopping to vacation destinations. And all the more reason they are optimal for organizing work.
Then make a list of your tasks, and make a mark next to what you just completed.
A list at the end of the day with lots of ticks indicating "done!" it's as enjoyable as your personal trainer's abs.

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6. Separate work and pleasure

Especially if you work from home, don't use the same space to work as to have lunch or watch TV.
Separating the physical spaces also helps to make an "orderly mental separation between the two areas, dedicating the right time for both.
Work space and relaxation space must never coincide: it's a question ... of order!

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7. Do exercises

Endorphins help you be happy and in a good mood ... and therefore more productive.
Exercise gives you the chance to really clear your head: after some healthy bodily activity, brain activity will feel less tiring and even more relaxing.

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8. Set small goals

To keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the workload, set daily and weekly mini-goals, complete with a deadline date and time.
Surprisingly, all that bulk will feel less pachydermal to you.

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9. Set priorities

Not all tasks are the same: that is, not all of them must be done on the same day and with the same timeliness. It is vital to understand which tasks to do now and which ones you can afford to postpone.
Surely not everyone is urgent, even if the boss, superiors and a few colleagues want to make you believe it!

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10. When everything seems to go wrong ...

There are days when everything appears black and work activities impossible to do.
When the day is really bad, it is better to stop everything, take a phone call, take a walk, and rather postpone until tomorrow, after a good sleep.

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See also:
How to be happy at work. 10 tips to make your days at the office more pleasant
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