If he does these 7 things while looking at you, he is lying to you ...

Do you have an inkling that he is telling you some little lies but you don't know how to understand it without drastically violating his privacy? What if they're lies he can't help but tell you? Finding out if he's lying is possible, just be careful observers. Today, interpreting body language can be very useful, both if you want to understand your partner, and if you want to communicate something to him, but also to understand if a friend or a colleague is lying.
The first thing to do when you want to understand if he is lying to you is to learn to understand how he usually behaves, if he has nervous tics, memorizing his most usual expressions and attitudes. Once this is done, it will be easier to analyze the anomalies. Intano you can watch this video to see if he lies about his feelings:

1. Moves eyes quickly and blinks frequently

When looking for an escape from a situation that disturbs or oppresses us, it happens that the eyes move in different directions. A natural instinct to escape from the circumstance that bothers us, a sign that we are lying. If you then blink 5-6 times in a row, the sensation is confirmed.

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2. He scratches his face

When he is lying he may have an unusual itchy face, a chemical reaction of the skin derived from the awareness of lying. Scratching in the face, therefore, would be a reaction to the lie.

3. His lips are pursed when he lies

Lips tightened, closed, contracted and continuous dryness as he speaks, are the consequences of a lie. Often the nervousness unloads the lie on the mouth, and salivation is affected, generating the need to often wet the lips which in turn dry up.

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4. If he is lying he shakes his head

If you tell the truth, it often happens, you nod your head just to emphasize that you agree with what you are saying. What happens when it doesn't? He shakes his head in disagreement with his own opinion. In short, we betray ourselves!

5. Look to the lower right to look away

In general, looking to the left for right-handers, when faced with a question, is symptomatic of delving into memory in search of a memory. While looking to the right, and in particular to the lower right, would be symptomatic of a lie.

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6. Sweats more than usual

The increased sweating can be seen in unusual places. Sweat may appear on the eyebrows, cheeks or back of the neck, and you will likely observe the person drying it more nervous.

7. Smiles forcefully

How to tell if she has a fake smile? Let's imagine that you know the real smile, spontaneous and natural, and something doesn't come back to you. If he is in fact lying while smiling, the eye area would not be involved. While in a spontaneous and genuine smile, the eyes would swell.

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Do you want to know who is lying? Hollywood actors, because the resemblance to their double is incredible:

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