How to increase complicity and live as eternal boyfriends

Ah, the life of a couple! Cross and delight of every lover.
Whether you have been together for a short time or decades now, it is very important to develop a mental connection with your partner.
We often hear about couple complicity and how fundamental it is in a relationship.
But what exactly is complicity in a couple?
Certainly there is no talk of getting along perpetually (after all it would be unlikely to say the least) or reading one's mind.

Complicity is a real connection between two people that closely resembles the feelings we have for friends. The fact of feeling accepted, understood, respected regardless of the circumstances and the reciprocity of the same feeling. This is complicity.

After all, you know, falling in love is good:

How to increase couple complicity

There are three fundamental points to work on to increase your complicity as a couple.
First and foremost, you both need to be happy in the relationship. This is not about humming and whistling with happiness all day but about making sure that despite life's problems and challenges, you can count on the other person.
Being sure you love and be loved is essential to being accomplices.

The second point, it will seem trivial (even if in reality it never is) is communication.
Just pretend not to be angry, building up hatred. It is enough to argue endlessly on the same topic for months without ever coming to the head. It is important to listen to the other person but also to yourself and to feel free to express your opinion, knowing that on the other side, someone is willing to listen to it.
Talk. So much and everything, keep getting to know each other. That's how you fell in love, right?

Last but not least, be kind. If someone one day, by mistake, told you that to be an expert in flirting you have to be always and anyway, well ... know that you will not have long life with this tactic.
Be kind. Don't hold back the gestures, the nice words, the hugs, the kisses, the compliments, the reassurances. They are essential, even when a few years have passed.

See also

Questions for boyfriends: 10 questions to ask your partner!

What to do on the weekend for two: 28 fun activities to enjoy your free time

How to forget an ex: 7 tips for returning to life after the end of a relationship

Does sex increase complicity?

Sex increases complicity but complicity also increases sex.
This happens especially for the cooler couples: at the beginning you burn with passion but you will start to make sparks under the sheets only after you have learned to know each other better.
It is very difficult to feel at ease with someone right away. With time and the right communication you become more and more accomplices even in bed and we strongly advise you to try.

Fundamental rule: never do anything if you don't feel like it. Forcing in sex is of no use to anyone. Rather speak clearly and say what you like and what you don't like. It will suit both!

The eternal boyfriends

Is it possible to love each other all your life?
But don't think it's easy and that once you find the right person it will all be downhill.
Love, like happiness, is a long and treacherous path but it must be done together holding hands. Not to mention that it will often change face, you cannot love each other in the same way every day, all day long. But with a little " of patience and luck, after some time you will realize that your love has changed, but above all increased.
And when, after decades together, you look back thinking that you have made the right choice and that you would not change what you have for anything in the world, you will have done it.
You will be accomplices for life.