Claudia Galanti: "Arnaud and I took a break!". And a third wheel appears ..

They have just had their third daughter, which seemed to be the crowning of a solid and stable love, yet Claudia Galanti and her partner Arnaud Mimran, who should have married next September, are experiencing a period of severe crisis, as declared by the showgirl herself. Paraguayan, which prompted them to take a pause for reflection.

"I admit it: Arnaud and I are in crisis and we have chosen to take a pause for reflection. This is the truth." Here are the words with which the thirty-three-year-old model confirmed the difficult moment she is going through with her partner, the millionaire Arnaud Mimran with whom she has been a steady couple for four years and with whom she has had three children: Liam Eliah, Tal Harlow and Indila Carolina, quest "last born only a few months ago.

"They were difficult months. Lived through ups and downs. But then I think of my children and I smile back", continues the showgirl who has also been attributed a flirtation with Tommaso Buti, which cost the latter a quarrel with Mimran himself, but Galanti denies any kind of liason: "Absolutely not! I am a rational person, I am a mother of three children. Being part of a certain world means having eyes on you. I parry the blows, but not the lies. The truth is that Arnaud and I are not together right now. I have always lived for love. For now I feed that for my children and I want to be judged only within the walls of the house. Besides, I don't care. "

In short, we just have to wait for the next rumors to know if the couple will find serenity or if the paths of Claudia and Arnaud will divide. For now, the thirty-three-year-old model has chosen to enjoy the holidays between the Balearics, Montecarlo and the Costa Smeralda in the company of the true loves of her life: her three children and two twin brothers.

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