Oily hair: what to do? The causes, natural remedies and the most suitable shampoo

Hair is oily due to a relatively frequent imbalance of the glands that produce sebum. It is a natural fatty substance, which guarantees the lubrication of the hair and protects it from pollution.

When it is in excess, the sebum becomes a problem. One in four women suffer from this imbalance: the hair is shiny, heavy, attached to the head already the day after the shampoo. If you are among the unfortunate ones, find out with us what are the causes of oily hair, the natural and non-natural remedies, the tips for shampooing and everything that is best to do to remedy the problem. Meanwhile, here are some suggestions for a beautiful and shiny hair:

What are the causes of oily hair?

This phenomenon probably has genetic causes, but there may also be psychological reasons, such as stress and anxiety or fatigue.

Even an unbalanced diet that is too high in fat can lead to this problem. In addition, the use of the wrong shampoo and the abuse of chemical dyes only increase the production of sebum.

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Remedies for oily hair: what to do?

The basic principle of treatment against oily hair is to choose a shampoo suitable for this type of hair or a mild cleanser with a neutral pH.

In this way you can wash them as many times as you want, just being careful not to attack them. Use small amounts of product diluting it well, and do not leave the shampoo on: the faster the wash, the more effective it will be.

Shampoo for oily hair: what to do and what to avoid

If you have oily hair, try to avoid making the following mistakes:

  • use baby shampoos that have a nourishing effect that does not suit either teenagers or adults;
  • vigorously rub your head when shampooing;
  • do two successive washes: the second would have a caustic effect;
  • use water at too high a temperature;
  • use the hair dryer too hot near the roots;
  • dry your hair by rubbing it with a towel.

Instead, make sure you do:

  • a light and quick scalp massage before shampooing, to activate microcirculation;
  • a final rinse with cold water, to tone the hair;
  • pre-drying the hair with a towel to remove excess water;
  • use the hair dryer at a medium temperature, keeping it at 15 cm from the hair and linger on the same area for more than 15 seconds.

Natural remedies for oily hair: mask, essential oils and rinses

"Clay" absorbent paper effect mask: Pour a handful of powdered green clay into a bowl (you can find it in herbal medicine), mix it with vinegar diluted 50% with water, to obtain a thick mixture. Apply this mask to your hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and proceed with the shampoo.

Essential oils: Add 3-4 drops of orange, lavender or sage essential oil to your shampoo. Their tonic and antiseptic properties make them excellent for oily hair.

Rinse: Mix 2 drops of thyme or rosemary oil (astringent plants) with 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon, to close the hair scales. Dilute this compound in a liter of mineral or spring water, with which you will rinse your hair.

The right accessories for oily hair

Never use metal combs on wet hair. Get a bone or plastic comb. The teeth must be round and smooth, so as not to damage the hair scales.

Forget combs and brushes with thin and narrow teeth, which would activate the production of sebum. Avoid gels: they make the hair dull and greasy; forget about oils, which make your hair shiny, but weigh it down.

Oily roots and dry ends, what to do? Grandma's remedies

Due to dyeing, perms, bleaching, or drying that is too aggressive, the hair is not smooth enough to allow the sebum to slide down the hair.

To repair:

  • apply the clay mask only on the roots, not on the tips;
  • wash your hair with a purifying shampoo;
  • nourish the tips using moisturizing oils and masks;
  • avoid massaging the scalp, because the more you activate the blood circulation, the more sebum rises to the surface of the scalp.

A few more tips for oily hair: from baking soda to diet

Even baking soda can be an excellent natural ally against oily hair. Try to put some powder on the scalp, in the most oily areas, once every 15 days. Let it act for 10 minutes and brush your hair.

As a complement to cosmetic treatments, it is essential to have a correct lifestyle. Get enough sleep, eat well (a diet rich in green vegetables and fresh fruit helps eliminate toxins). Take anti-greasy hair food supplements, based on sulphated amino acids, zinc and vitamin B6: they work long-term.

Here are some detox foods that might help you:

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