Cancer birthstone: the gems associated with this zodiac sign

Since ancient times, stones have assumed a very important role because they were considered not only as good luck charms, but also as talismans able to protect the wearer from negative feelings and were given healing powers. The theories of crystal therapy and gemology they are even more fascinating when they join the world of astrology and horoscope. In fact, various studies have shown how lucky stones are associated with each zodiac sign, which are able to highlight its merits and appease its vices.

Today we see in detail the stone - or rather, the stones - Cancer's lucky charm, a sign famous for its sensitivity and affection for the home and family.

The main characteristics of Cancer

All those born between 22 June and 22 July are of the sign of Cancer. Then followed by Scorpio and Pisces, it is the first of the zodiac signs of "Water and is strongly governed by the influence of the Moon, a symbol of femininity, motherhood and fertility.

Cancer people are very sensitive and emotional, with a high level of empathy. Great dreamers with a romantic attitude and artistic flair, Cancerians have a great capacity for imagination. In addition, if on the one hand they are attracted by travel and the discovery of the world, on the other they are distinguished by their being attached to home and to the domestic environment. In fact, Cancer is the sign par excellence of the family, to which he is strongly devoted and with which he has an inseparable bond. All this explains his desire to build a family of his own and his search for love mainly serious stories.

These qualities clash, however, with the unmistakable melancholy and susceptibility of the sign. Cancer subjects are very moody and touchy, as well as having a very lazy nature if not dampened in some way by the ascendant. The need for certainty towards the partner can turn into jealousy.

See also

Birthstone Sagittarius: the gems of this adventurous and optimistic sign

Taurus birthstone: the emerald and other propitiatory gems

Birthstones: precious gems according to one's month of birth

His birthstones

Combined studies of crystal therapy, gemology, horoscope and astrology have revealed which are the main birthstones and protectors of those born under the constellation of Cancer. Therefore, if this is your zodiac sign, let's see together in detail the effects they have on the wearer and the occasions in which it would be better to exploit the benefits.

The Pearl

The stone par excellence of Cancer is the pearl, symbol of femininity and emblem of the Moon. It is also referred to as the stone of feelings, because it is said to help build true and lasting friendships, relationships of love and that it preserves from unhappiness. Its effects would also vary depending on its color. For example, blue pearls are said to favor the fulfillment of dreams of love, while black pearls are said to be more helpful than understanding oneself and others.

The action of pearls against the natives of Cancer is seen above all in the attenuation of some typical defects of the sign. In fact, we have seen how the latter can become closed, melancholy and touchy, also due to its hypersensitivity. The pearl helps Cancerians to get out of dark moments, counteracting sadness and giving them new enthusiasm and vital energies. In particular, it acts on the emotional equilibrium, calming the nervousness and encouraging to forge new relationships and to remove the fear of others.
Finally, we recommend that you bring something with pearls with you when you are about to make important decisions, as they help to strengthen your soul and inner wisdom.

The Moonstone

The Moonstone is closely connected to the "natural element of" Water, which already connotes this zodiac sign by giving it characteristics that in astrology and in the "horoscope are defined as" feminine "and" passive ". Variable color ranging from white to" silver to blue, crystal therapy affirms that wearing this stone set in jewels - as a pendant for a necklace, a bracelet or as earrings - favors the correct functioning of the female reproductive and digestive systems, on which the effects are affected of the swing of emotions and worries constantly experienced by zodiac signs such as Cancer. Furthermore, the Moonstone calms the mood, balances the energies of the body and strengthens psychic abilities.

These properties are very beneficial for a sensitive and vulnerable sign like Cancer, which is often affected by the fluctuation of their emotions and mood. Therefore, wear the moonstone especially when you are in a bad mood because it helps to clarify. Finally, it can prove useful in moments of closure typical of Cancerians: its properties can push you to open yourself to the opportunities of life, allowing you to seize unexpected possibilities.

Rose quartz

Belonging to the family of semi-precious stones of crystalline quartz, rose quartz is the symbol of pure love. This denomination derives from the fact that, according to crystal therapy, rose quartz would be effective in melting away from one's emotions and would help to live relationships better. with others, especially those in love. It is also called "the stone of the heart", because it is recommended for those suffering from affective deficiencies.

Although one of the birthstones of the sign of Virgo, the rose quartz action helps the natives of Cancer a lot for several reasons. First, it seems that wearing jewelry with this stone brings an almost immediate feeling of release from everyday worries and negative energies. All this works in favor of Cancerians who often feel oppressed by anxiety or their emotions, leading them to have a pessimistic outlook on life. Moreover, given the deep affection of Cancer towards love, rose quartz becomes a bit of an emblem, as a talisman of recognition of one of the main characteristics of the sign.

Rock crystal

Also called hyaline quartz, this rock crystal has been considered a magical and therapeutic stone since ancient times. In past centuries, it was attributed with healing powers, faculties relating to the prediction of the future, the ability to counteract the evil eye and negativity. Moreover, due to its being transparent and neutral in color, a bit like a diamond, this crystal is also seen as a symbol of sincerity.

It is another of Cancer's lucky gems because it acts on a great limit of the natives of the sign, that is, shyness and closeness towards others, especially in difficult moments. In fact, rock crystal helps Cancerians to overcome and prevent those phases of acute melancholy, during which they feel exhausted and deprived of vital energy. Therefore, the action of hyaline quartz manifests itself by favoring the relationship with other people, encouraging positivity and bringing light and joy back against "darkness".

L "Opal

The Romans already adored the opal because they attributed to it the meaning of stone of hope and purity. It is famous for the play of colors that are created inside many specimens and these gems can be of help as a level support. emotional, even counteracting depression. Furthermore, wearing an opal is thought to be a "great solution to heal subconsciously held pain and externalize what is normally locked up in one's mind.

You can understand how the opal can greatly benefit the natives of zodiac signs such as Cancer. In fact, it instills joy of life and stimulates the desire for change, favoring positivity and optimism. In addition, it bleaches the moods and allows you to interact with the deepest and most hidden energies, giving inner clarity.

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The ruby

The protagonist of precious luxury jewels, together with sapphire, emerald and diamond, ruby ​​is certainly one of the most appreciated and loved gems. With its deep red color, it represents love, vitality and victory. Wearing this gem as a necklace or earrings or carrying it with you would help to strengthen these aspects of life, especially in the field of love but not only. In fact, the ruby ​​is considered an amulet that brings happiness, capable of reconciling quarrels and favoring a peaceful home life, in the name of understanding, passion and prosperity.

Ruby is not just another Cancer birthstone, but it is the precious protective gemstone of all those born in July, therefore also of the natives of Leo.Cancerians can benefit from it because, since it was believed in the past that it makes anyone who wears it invulnerable, it helps eliminate laziness and indolence, especially in those moments when you don't feel motivated by external stimuli. Furthermore, ruby ​​can be useful in increasing concentration and giving greater enthusiasm, an action that also works to the advantage of Leo individuals.

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