Sport walking: benefits, training and the most suitable shoes to practice it

Sport walking is a sort of fast walk - not comparable to jogging or walking - born from Power Walking, an enhanced walk characterized by rather wide strides, from which it has inherited the intensity of the step which, however, is shorter. It is a gentle sport accessible to all, to be practiced in the open air, which does not involve any type of contraindication or trauma to the joints, precisely because of the reduced number of impacts and thanks to the constant contact of the foot with the ground. .

Sport walking, for which it is necessary to have the right technical shoes, has many benefits that help the body and beyond. Practicing this type of fast walking in fact, also allows you to regenerate on a psychological level: a great way to release tension, regain energy and lose weight at the same time. With constant training you can in fact see excellent results on your fitness. Here is everything there is to know about sport walking.

The benefits of sport walking

We have already mentioned some of the advantages of this type of fast walking, but let's see specifically what are the most effective benefits of this gentle discipline suitable for everyone.

  • It has no contraindications and does not overload the muscle, joint and bone structures
  • It allows you to develop endurance and get your breath back
  • Helps tone muscles, not only in the legs, thighs and buttocks, but also in the arms, shoulders, abs and back
  • If practiced constantly, it allows to strengthen the cardiac capacities
  • Helps keep fit, acting on the silhouette and reducing the danger of accumulation of fat pads, due to a sedentary lifestyle
  • Helps to recharge and regain energy
  • Plus, it's cheap!

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Do you need a workout for walking?

Absolutely not. To practice walking, you don't need any kind of training in the gym, you just need to start this discipline with a minimum of method and try to continue it with a certain consistency, in order to see results on the body and inner well-being.

The ideal would be to be able to travel 6 km in an hour, so as to consume an average of 300 Kcal, a result that can be achieved rather quickly with more or less constant training.

To practice it correctly, it is necessary to equip yourself with the right technical shoes and follow small rules of posture and gait, so as to maximize performance. In fact, you will have to maintain a straight posture, so as to avoid back pain, and combine the movement of the foot with that of the arms, so as to maintain balance and help you keep the rhythm.

Shoes for sport walking: the most suitable models for a perfect fast walk

As we said, to practice sport walking it is essential to have the right shoes, technical shoes specially designed to meet the needs of the foot during walking and to make sports performance at the top.

The main characteristics that a shoe suitable for athletic walking should have are flexibility, cushioning, momentum and breathability. It is in fact essential that the foot has freedom of movement and is not limited by a shoe that is too stiff. Cushioning is also another indispensable requirement of sports walking shoes, because it absorbs the shocks of the heel in contact with the ground, helping to avoid blows and consequent back pain. Finally, the perfect technical shoe for sports walking must favor momentum and propulsion to make movement more fluid and natural, limiting the fatigue and heaviness of physical movement to the maximum.

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