From 12 to 14 September FightTheStroke promotes research and innovation

Fightthestroke, a social promotion association founded by Francesca Fedeli and Roberto D'Angelo and which since 2011 has supported the cause of young stroke survivors, organizes an important free event open to all aimed at spreading and promoting the challenges of medicine and technological innovation.

The initiative, called CALL for BRAIN 2014, will be held from 12 to 14 September 2014 at the Politecnico di Milano and the opening day will be inaugurated by the TEDMED Live 20124 Fightthestroke event: a deferred screening of 12 talks selected from among the numerous will take place at TEDMED, a world-renowned event that brings together medical experts and new technologies in Washington DC and San Francisco.

On the days of 13 and 14 September 2014, HACKMED will take place, the first Hackathon in Medicine ever organized in Italy, with particular attention to the theme of the 'Quantified Self': a 24-hour marathon that aims to connect Developers, Makers and Designers from all over Europe, to respond together to the great health challenges.

'' A healthy society is everyone's business: this is the phrase that most inspired us in wanting to give back to the Milanese community for free a weekend dedicated to innovation in medicine. Call for Brain 2014 wants to be a call to arms of the most disparate brains, be they doctors, patients, scientists, innovators, makers or developers. Only together can we inspire new generations for a healthier world. Here, we would like to leave this message to our Mario, continuing to fight for a better future for young stroke survivors ", comment the founders Francesca Fedeli and Roberto D’Angelo.

To register for free on 12 September, click HERE.
To register for free for the days of 13 and 14 September, click HERE.