Chocolate, the perfect remedy for coughs and sore throats!

Chocolate, a tasty ingredient rich in beneficial properties, would be an excellent help to combat coughs and sore throats. Yes, it's all true, you are not dreaming: according to recent research, eating a bar of dark chocolate a day would help soothe cough and phlegm, like classic natural remedies, such as honey or ginger and lemon herbal teas.

Why is cocoa so good for coughs and sore throats?

M why would chocolate be so effective against coughs and sore throats? The benefits would be to be found in its soothing properties. The theobromine, an alkaloid contained in it, would in fact have a more effective and immediate effect against cough than codeine, which has always been used as an ingredient in classic medicines designed to combat cough and phlegm. In essence, cocoa, being more viscous than actual medicines, would help create a protective coating on the nerve endings in the throat that would lead to the instinct to cough. In reality, there are several reasons why you should eat chocolate, and it's not just about its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, so feel free to reward yourself with chocolate every day, without feeling guilty.

See also

Suffumigi: the perfect natural remedies to fight colds, coughs and sinuses

Chocolate is good for you: 5 good reasons to eat it

Chamomile: a natural remedy for puffy eyes

Cocoa and other foods that are perfect for fighting coughs, flu and colds

But chocolate is not the only food useful for treating coughs and sore throats. There are in fact other anti-flu foods perfect for increasing the immune system and fighting colds and seasonal ailments. Of course, they are not all as pleasant and tasty as the cocoa, but they are just as effective in countering the dreaded seasonal flu.

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